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Author Topic: Installing Guildbot  (Read 14109 times)

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Offline Blondengy

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Installing Guildbot
« on: December 26, 2004, 05:53:30 pm »
To run the bot you will need a player the bot logs into. So start of by makeing a new character on the appropriate dimension of AO. Run through all the character customization and give him the name you would like your bot to have. Now switch to the faction of your guild and invite the character to your guild. Once you have done that you can log out again. You can of cause also use an already existing character in your guild.

Now that you have a character download the newest BeBot version and unzip the file to the location you would like to run it from keeping all directory structures.
Please make sure that your system matches the minimum system requirements.

Configureing the bot:
There are three files you will have to edit before you can actually start the bot.

- start.php:[\i]

Only two changes need to be made here. Set $php_bin to the binary php file. If you start the bot from the same directory as the php binary ("php.exe" under windows) you can just enter the name. Otherwise you will have to enter the name and path of where the binary is located.
Set $main_php to the location of the "main.php" file. Once again you can just enter "main.php" if you're starting the bot from the directory its in.

- Bot.conf:

This file is located in the "conf" directory.
Here you will have to enter the Anarchy-Online username and password and the name of the bot along with the dimension number you would like to run it on.

Under that you can configure your super admins. You can add as many superadmins as you like. Just copy and past that line and exchange the name.

The next section works just like the superadmins. You can tell the bot what other bots it may encounter in the guild. This is so that the bot just ignores tells and messages from the other bot and doesn't end up in a spam war with it.

After that set "$guildbot" to true since we're setting up a guildbot, change "$guild_name" to the exact name of your guild and set "$guild_id" to the id of your guild. The easiest way to find out the guild ID is going to and finding your guild. The URL will now read something like this: "" where the "xxxxxx" would be your guild ID.

The next to lines configure the standard colors of the tells and privategroup/guildchat messages the bot sends.

To switch logging off set "$log" to "off". You can also set it to "chat" which will only log incomeing and outgoing messages.  If set to "all" everything displayed on the console will be put into the log. The default is "chat".
Set "$log_path" to the place where you want logs to be saved.

With "$command_prefix" you can determin what symbol commands start with. The default here is "!".

The last 4 values are probably best left at default.

- MySQL.conf:

This file is also located in the "conf" directory.
Set the MySQL username, password, server IP adress and database name for the bot.

Items Database:
For the items database to work you must first upload it into the MySQL database from the "items.sql" file included in the zip archiv.
To do this either upload it through a phpmyadmin interface (or similar) or directly connect to the MySQL server and type "source /path/items.sql".

Starting the bot:
Open a console (In windows press "Start" => "Run" => enter "cmd" and press enter).
Now run the start.php
Windows: Navigate to the directory of your bot assuming you have the php.exe in the same directory and write "php start.php".
Linux: Assuming your can run php4 from anywhere navigate to your bot directory and write "php4 start.php" (assuming your php binary is named "php4").

The console should now state that the bot is loading the modules, authenticating and connecting. Once this is done (it should only take a few seconds) the should be online and ready for use!

Adding and Removeing Modules:
If you do not wish for certain modules to be used by a bot just put an underscore ("_") at the front of the name in the "modules" directory.
There are several files already in the distribution that have been commented out in this way:

_ClassName.php is a template to make your own modules.
The other modules with an underscore are only for raidbots.


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