BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: smagma on February 01, 2005, 12:56:06 pm

Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: smagma on February 01, 2005, 12:56:06 pm
KK to help with the issue of Installing Bebot.. To avoid alot of the issues that have come up in the forums with the install, i was able to install bebot to my C: drive, i was only able to get it installed there... other wise it would not recognize that the phpsockets dll was there.. i had to put C:bebots then create a directory called c:\php4 and put the sockets dll file there and bingo it works.. the only problem i am having now is the bot is NOT monitoring the org channel, we have to /tell the bot any commands we want... here is my conf file, this is set up as a guild bot:

$guildbot = true;                // false if its a raidbot.
$guild_name = "Virtual Insanity";                // only if its a guildbot.
$guild_id = 4341766;                    // only if its a guildbot.

The information about is exactly the way it should be, i mean correct spelling and correct id number..

What am i doing wrong? why can't we just do !online in the guild channel instead of /tell thats very difficult to tell all 225 of our members to do that.. we went from the IGN bot beacuse IGN is way too buggy BEBOT seems to work great other then the problem we are haveing.. its updateing member etc..

O another question, i have alot of really nice plugins that i got for the IGN bot we had, is there a way to use those in bebots as well.. Atleast the Location lookup plugin and the shadowlands lookup, and the AO Forums plugin, those would be really nice to use.. im not that advanced in php to write them myself.

Please help if u can, its  frustrateing our org members.. and i believe BEbots is for us if we can get it to work properly.

And i appriciate any help.
Virtual Insanity
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 01, 2005, 08:22:07 pm
First question: Is the bot character even in the guild? Of cause the character to bot is running on has to recieve guildchat for the bot to be able to reply to guildchat. ;)
The second possibility is that your bot character is suspended from guildchat.
This is a senario where you could've gotten suspended:
Your guild has guild taxes, you created a bot char, you put the new level 1 char into your guild, you logged out. Since the char is new he still has 0 creds, since the guild requires taxes he has to pay a small ammount to the guild bank when logs out, since he doesn't have the credits to pay he gets suspended from guildchat. :(
Log him on ingame and try chatting in GC...

About the IGN plugins: I've never looked at ign plugins myself tbh but I think it shouldn't be hard for someone who knows a bit of php to port them since the "real" work is already done - all you would have to do is put it into bebot's module frame.
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: craized on February 02, 2005, 12:16:07 am
As far as IGN plugins, if you really want a specific plugin, and you can't make it yourself, post your request  in the Module Request Forum (, with a link to the IGN plugin, and if it seems worth while, I would be happy to modify it, and I would assume Blondengy would be as well if the time were available.
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: smagma on February 02, 2005, 08:31:52 am
Quote from: "Blondengy"
First question: Is the bot character even in the guild? Of cause the character to bot is running on has to recieve guildchat for the bot to be able to reply to guildchat. ;)
The second possibility is that your bot character is suspended from guildchat.
This is a senario where you could've gotten suspended:
Your guild has guild taxes, you created a bot char, you put the new level 1 char into your guild, you logged out. Since the char is new he still has 0 creds, since the guild requires taxes he has to pay a small ammount to the guild bank when logs out, since he doesn't have the credits to pay he gets suspended from guildchat. :(
Log him on ingame and try chatting in GC...

About the IGN plugins: I've never looked at ign plugins myself tbh but I think it shouldn't be hard for someone who knows a bit of php to port them since the "real" work is already done - all you would have to do is put it into bebot's module frame.

Yes bot is in guild, and the bot has complete access to the guild. i logged on it and it was fine.. the bot was working fine on the IGN bot as far as monitoring the guild chat prior to installing bebot. ?? so i dont know what else it is..

links to IGN plugins are.. I will post in the Module Request Forum, thanks.

Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: craized on February 02, 2005, 08:44:48 am
Double check that your guildid is correct in Bot.conf
Title: Re: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: smagma on February 02, 2005, 01:05:33 pm
Title: Re: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: smagma on February 02, 2005, 01:06:12 pm
Quote from: "smagma"

$guildbot = true;                // false if its a raidbot.
$guild_name = "Virtual Insanity";                // only if its a guildbot.
$guild_id = 4341766;                    // only if its a guildbot.

The information about is exactly the way it should be, i mean correct spelling and correct id number..

kk first post i said the info was correct...

still stuck on this one...

Title: ideas?
Post by: smagma on February 07, 2005, 01:11:34 pm
any ideas???
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 07, 2005, 09:53:43 pm
Afraid not, I've never had the problem that a bot has access to the guild hat but can not listen/react to it. :(
The important thing for listening to guildchat is the $guild_name... and if that's perfectly right the only reason I can see in the code for not "hearing" it is it not beeing transmited to the bot. But since you say that IGN has no problems reading it I'm a bit confused. I really don't know why this could be the case. :(

I'd have to do some personal tests on the char itself, but I doubt I'll be able to do that. ;)
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Xylander on February 23, 2005, 12:02:55 pm

I'm having the same problem. Bot install and startup went smooth. Bot is also posting logon/logoff messages in org-chat. But the bot don't react to any commands written in org-chat, only to tells. And yes, checked org-name and org-id multiple times, they are ok, i can also write with the bot's char into org-chat when i log him. Any ideas? :)

Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 23, 2005, 02:56:07 pm
Do you get:
[GROUP] [MSG] [Guildname] Charname: <text>
in the console of your bot when someone says something in GC?
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Xylander on February 23, 2005, 04:25:47 pm
Nope, i don't get that. Looks to me as if the bot can't see the guildchat. But obviously bebot can write to guildchat as the login/logoff-messages show.

The logs (and console) show only the tells:

[2005-02-23 10:46:28]   [TELL]  [INC]   Flyingsnow: !lvl 12
[2005-02-23 10:46:28]   [TELL]  [OUT]   -> Flyingsnow: L 12: team 6-17 | PvP 10-
15 | 8,300 XP | missions 21, 18, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 26, 2005, 03:08:25 pm
Hey, I'm in the same org as Smagma, we've both been trying it and on a diff comp and such, still doesnt work...
after hours of messing with it I found where it stopped but still couldnt solve the problem.. ok:


   function inc_gmsg($args) somewhere and in the fuction:

      if (!isset($this -> other_bots[$user]))
        if ($group == $this -> guildname)
          if (!empty($this -> commands["gc"]))

when removing these 3 ifs commands would work / still teams plugin,CC logging and relay wouldnt work - relay was only sending msgs to VI chan but it just doesnt want to log the chat

so I removed that 3 ifs and now its responding on such things as !lvl !invite etc. - BTW it might cause problems we're on RK2 umm if you have MSN we could try to sort this out... bram_ at /// hotmail /// dot /// com

and its wierd since toweralerts work.
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 27, 2005, 11:15:21 am
Only got ICQ: 9272371
Whats the name of your guild btw?
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 27, 2005, 11:18:17 am
Virtual Insanity
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 27, 2005, 11:18:49 am
or make a char on RK2 and /tell lalnt or /tell lalsoldier Woot post 3min ago :P
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 27, 2005, 12:01:14 pm
Tried ICQ but the weird trash didnt want to make an account
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 27, 2005, 05:33:29 pm
Code: [Select]
510:   function inc_gmsg($args)
511:    {
512:      $user = $this -> aoc -> get_uname($args[1]);
514:      $found = false;
516:      $group = $this -> aoc -> lookup_group($args[0]);
518:    $args[2] = utf8_decode($args[2]);
520:    $this -> log("DEBUG", $group, $user . ": " . $args[2]);

The above code is from the Bot.php with a slight addition: add line 520 to your code, start up your bot and type something in your guildchat. Then show me what exactly you get in your console (copy & paste) and also the following line from your Bot.conf for me to check:

Code: [Select]
 $guild_name = "";                // only if its a guildbot.
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 28, 2005, 01:45:06 pm
$guildbot = true;                // false if its a raidbot.
  $guild_name = "Virtual Insanity";                // only if its a guildbot.
  $guild_id = 4341766;                    // only if its a guildbot.


C:\BeBot>php.exe start.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [CORE]  [LOAD]  Admin.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [CORE]  [LOAD]  Alts.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [CORE]  [LOAD]  BotHelp.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [CORE]  [LOAD]  Online.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [CORE]  [LOAD]  Que.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  About.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  AlienAttack_GUILD.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  AutoMsg.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Bio.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Calc.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Callers.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Countdown.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Is.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Items.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Level.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Logon_GUILD.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  MassMsg.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  MOTD.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  News.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Oe.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  PrivGroup.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Raffle.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Rally.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Relay_GUILD.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Roll.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Rooster_GUILD.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Server.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Shutdown.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Target.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Teams.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Time.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  TowerAttack.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [MOD]   [LOAD]  Whois.php
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Connecting
[2005-02-28 12:43:40]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Authenticateing

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713

Warning: unpack(): Type H: outside of string in C:\BeBot\AOChat.php on line 713
[2005-02-28 12:43:43]   [LOGIN] [STATUS]        Logging in
[2005-02-28 12:43:43]   [LOGIN] [RESULT]        OK
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Wicker2 logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Kemiks logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Alianaya logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Wakantanka logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Headforcreds logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Inryi logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Tyromet logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:44]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Lingir logged [off]
etc etc...
[2005-02-28 12:43:59]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Valkon logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:43:59]   [TELL]  [INC]   Lopnar: !join
[2005-02-28 12:43:59]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Headforcreds logged [on]
[2005-02-28 12:44:01]   [PGRP]  [JOIN]  Lopnar joined privategroup.
[2005-02-28 12:44:11]   [ROOSTER]       [UPDATE]        Starting rooster update

well as a test I typed something as Lalsoldier and as you can see it wont see the name of the channel.

[2005-02-28 12:45:58]   [DEBUG] [All Towers]    0: The clan organization A.R.S.
just entered a state of war!  Ninjazai attacked the omni organization Inner Circ
le's tower in Central Artery Valley at location (2090, 2995).

[2005-02-28 12:45:58]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [All Towers] 0: The clan organization A.
R.S. just entered a state of war!  Ninjazai attacked the omni organization Inner
 Circle's tower in Central Artery Valley at location (2090, 2995).

[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] []      Lalsoldier: !test
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] []      Lalsoldier: test
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] [OT shopping 1-50]      Swoopeline: [link]Nano C
rystal (Enfraam's Fortification)[/link]
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] [OT shopping 1-50]      Swoopeline: [link]Right-
Hand Implant: Martial Arts, Shiny[/link]
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] [OT shopping 1-50]      Mins: WTB: Notum Fragmen
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] [OT shopping 1-50]      Swoopeline: [link]Notum
Enriched Nano Paste - 16x Layer[/link]
[2005-02-28 12:45:59]   [DEBUG] [OT OOC]        Freecoffee: looking for a person
 with trap disarm 200 or more
[2005-02-28 12:46:00]   [BUDDY] [ADD]   Xvart
[2005-02-28 12:46:00]   [BUDDY] [DEL]   Mistmajeed
[2005-02-28 12:46:00]   [BUDDY] [DEL]   Boycot
[2005-02-28 12:46:00]   [BUDDY] [DEL]   Baldarov
[2005-02-28 12:46:00]   [BUDDY] [DEL]   Nigeymp
[2005-02-28 12:46:14]   [ROOSTER]       [UPDATE]        Rooster update complete.
 Added 1 members, removed 4.
[2005-02-28 12:46:14]   [DEBUG] []      Vibot: A.R.S. (clan) has attacked Inner
Circle (omni) in Central Artery Valley at 2090x2995. Attacker: Ninjazai (LvL 168
 Martial Artist)
[2005-02-28 12:46:14]   [PGRP]  [MSG]   [Vibot] Vibot: A.R.S. (clan) has attacke
d Inner Circle (omni) in Central Artery Valley at 2090x2995. Attacker: Ninjazai
(LvL 168 Martial Artist)
[2005-02-28 12:46:14]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Xvart logged [off]
[2005-02-28 12:46:15]   [DEBUG] []      Vibot: Xvart logged off
[2005-02-28 12:46:17]   [DEBUG] [OT shopping 1-50]      Scrillz: WTS[link]Vektor
 ND LIZARD Shotgun[/link] [link]Vektor ND Shotgun[/link] [link]Old English Tradi
ng Co. Urban Sniper[/link]
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 28, 2005, 02:08:39 pm
$group = $this -> aoc -> lookup_group($args[0]);
.... group ends up clean
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on February 28, 2005, 04:58:33 pm
Ok, now we see where the problem is: For some reason the AOChat class doesn't catch the name of the guildchannel.
But you're saying that it DOES write to guildchannel right? It gives you the logon/logoff msgs?

Gonna conduct a few tests later on and give you a workaround. Alternativly I'd suggest testing on a different char, or have you tried running hte bot on a different char and still have the same prob?
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 28, 2005, 05:18:09 pm
Yup tried on 2 chars, me and smag both made a seperate install with own settings and stuff :/
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on February 28, 2005, 05:20:09 pm
and yes it DOES write...       $group = $this -> aoc -> lookup_group($args[0]);

args[0] returns the guildid and this function seems to be broken

$this -> aoc -> lookup_group

you might want to check out things that are different between RK1/RK2
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on March 04, 2005, 03:11:38 pm
ok well this solves the problem:

but you will still have to look at it...

      $group = $this -> aoc -> lookup_group($args[0]);

change to

      $group = $this -> aoc -> lookup_group($args[0]);
      if (!$group) $group = $this -> guildname;
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on March 04, 2005, 08:00:49 pm
Glad you got it to work... Wish I knew what caused it, tried several things but just couldn't recreate what was happening to you guys. :(
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on May 09, 2005, 08:19:33 pm
Having the same problem again, no longer logging the towers with my fix, well this causes it:

last patch FC removed the lft channels and stuff, maybe you ignored some channels, and I think its different of RK2/3 then 1

Help me out please :(
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on May 10, 2005, 08:56:39 am
Only reason I can think of is that they changed the tower channel's names.
All channels that have no module monitoring them are ignored, so that could be the reason...
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on May 10, 2005, 12:03:50 pm
How can I fix this?
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on May 10, 2005, 09:31:42 pm
Well, has the channel name changed? If so you just have to change the name in the Towers.php at the top of the file...
If not use that debug code from somewhere a bit higher in this thread and check as what tower msgs show up...
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on May 10, 2005, 11:25:09 pm
Name didn't change.

Umm, the log doesnt show anything, neither for the Tower Battle Outcome

when using my ''temp.fix'' to see everyone known channel as orgchat it says: "[ORG]0: message" if I remember right
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on May 11, 2005, 03:10:27 pm
[GROUP] [MSG]   [Tower Battle Outcome] 0: Notum Wars Update: Victory to the Clans!!!

there you go

All towers doesn't seem to appear in the log anymore :S
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on May 12, 2005, 09:42:30 am
Ok, possible solution: The bot is only applicant rank! And applicants don't get the towermessages..... getting him a few ranks higher should fix this...

*prays that is only it* ;)
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Lal on May 12, 2005, 12:04:22 pm
Yes it is atm, but it wasnt before.. very weird

but why is it still logging the outcome then?
Title: Installing and Monitoring Org Chat
Post by: Blondengy on May 12, 2005, 09:54:26 pm
Outcome is broadcasted to everyone in the game.
Tower wars are only broadcasted to guilded people of a certain rank and above (I forgot what rank and above that was...)

Don't ask me why, ask funcom... ;)
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