BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 02:37:32 pm

Title: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 02:37:32 pm
I cant open php files because i dont know how. I did have php4 but had no understanding of how to install it. I understand the changes i have to make but thats the only thing stopping me, actually opening it. Can anyone help? thanks.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 03:05:57 pm
open CMD

Next your need to enter the path of the bot dir do this by
cd c:\bah\bah\bah

when u done your see that you have change to the dir off the dir bot you have entered

Next you just put in this

PHP start.php

And it will start the bot.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 03:19:28 pm
Actually i opened it now, i dont get what to do with the i enter the path of the start.php file? would that be C:\path\path\path?
And the $main_php do i just enter "main.php" if im clicking start in the same folder? I have now entered php.exe for first oen and kept main.php for second because i'll be clikcing the start file from same folder. right?

ps. how do i find my ip ("- MySQL.conf:

This file is also located in the "conf" directory.
Set the MySQL username, password, server IP adress and database name
for the bot.") I cant see the file items.sql only in modules is there an items php file but its not sql like i said.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 03:42:16 pm
ok say you download the bot form this website then i unrar it to a dir like i put it into a folder into C:\ and the folder name is mybot

so the dir of the bot now is C:\mybot
ok so now i am in CMD i do this command
cd C:\mybot

then follow it by
php start.php

Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 03:53:23 pm
as for editing anythink this is only need be done if you have the php.exe in a other dir if you keep all files in the same folder it all should work with no editing of the $main_php dir
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 03:57:13 pm
My other two questions.. 1) It asks for MySQL username (i entered that) password (that too) database name (that too) server IP. im not sure what that is, is it my IP adress? (if so how do i find that out?) or something else (how do i find it?).

Question 2) For making the item database work it asks to uplaod items.sql into the sql database i made. i cant find the items.sql only thing i found was a file called items (in modules).
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 03:59:52 pm
ok before worrying about the plugins best get the bot working and make sure that there are no errors with that.

ok right your 1st question
if the mysql server is runing form the same pc ?
if so then you just put localhost for the ip
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 04:07:44 pm
I dont have a server for mysql i dont think..all i did was download it, then follow the guide posted by Glarawyn. So anyway i put localhost now. Thanks alot or great help.
Onl thing left to do is find my Guild ID (new guild so i dont think its on site yet) and check everything's working :-).
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 04:27:34 pm
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Glarawyn on August 10, 2006, 05:36:23 pm I cant see the file items.sql only in modules is there an items php file but its not sql like i said.

Phase 5: Import items.sql to your database
IMPORTANT: This only applies for BeBot version older than 0.2.4
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 09:29:48 pm
Ah ok i thought that was only that little section. Thanks. That guide was really helpful.
Is there another way to find my Org's ID? I cant find it on the anarchy site because it's new.
Ok i've got it to the Bebot directory with the start.php file in it and i've tried typing php start.php and start.php (this comes up with "what program would you like to sue to open this file?") and i tried writing the dir again but on the end putting php start.php and start.php....Am i typing the wrong thing?
Must i unrar it? Is this possible to do as it is a php file?
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 10, 2006, 10:45:06 pm
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 11:18:33 pm
ok sounds like you have not got php installed

as for the org ID your need to wait for the update before you find out what it is.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: MiCR0 on August 10, 2006, 11:38:34 pm
click two times on My computer 1st and then again on your C:\ then make a new folder name it mybot

so its dir would now be C:\mybot

Next goto and download this file from (

save this file to your desktop

Next open this file up ok now at the top menu click on EDIT
from this drop down menu click on Select All

Now all the files are selected now with them all selected go back into EDIT and then click on copy

Now open My computer and then C:\ and then the folder you made before named mybot now when IN that folder go to Edit and then Paste Done you have php on your pc

Next is the bot download from (

Save to your desktop
open this folder/zip same as before but this time open the folder inside it named BeBot_v0.2.6 now your see alot off files Now click EDIT then Select all then Edit again with all files being selected still, EDIT then Copy

Next open My computer then C:\ and then mybot same place where you move all the files before when this is open then go to EDIT and then Paste Now you will get a message box come do u want to replace all click YES
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 11, 2006, 08:57:59 am
Thanks. Now when i open the bot it says Unable to laod dynamic library php_extensions/php_sockets.dll is this because i didnt enter my guild ID yet?
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Khalem on August 11, 2006, 11:44:46 am

Extract those files to the BeBot folder. It includes all the extentions you need.

Start the bot using: start.bat  That will ensure that php looks for the extentions in the right place.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 11, 2006, 11:59:27 am
Ok now when i run the bot it has an error reading:-
Warning: mysql_connect (): access denied for user 'KeeperH@localhos'@'Localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\mybot\MYSQL.php on line 63
Mysql error (# 0) on query: Cannot Connect to the database server!
acess denied for user 'KeeperH@localhos'@'localhost' (using password: YES). I looked in some files where i might have missed the 'T' of localhost but couldnt find it. Help Please? thanks again.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 11, 2006, 01:33:46 pm
^^bump sorry. Need to get it fixed. I really appreciate your help. Im just learning this stuff so i cant do much.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Alreadythere on August 11, 2006, 02:05:53 pm
I think you entered the wrong username. It's not keeperh@localhost, it's just keeperh.
Localhost is the server name.
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Hotshot on August 11, 2006, 03:18:04 pm
I did. Thanks.
Er so many changing problems.
Solved two, new one now is "Read Error: EOF
[CONN] [ERROR] Bot has disconnected. Reconnecting in 60 seconds."
Title: Re: How to open php
Post by: Khalem on August 11, 2006, 11:43:32 pm
It could also be due to firewall blocking traffic.

Does the bot ever connect at all?
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