BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: KingJ on March 30, 2006, 08:01:52 pm
I just upgraded from IGN bot to BeBot (What an upgrade! Bot runs much faster on MySql :D) and everything appears to be working. However, with IGN bot there was a guest channel, you would /tell [botname] guest and it would give you access to the guild chat, this was great when you just started an alt and wanted to talk to your guild from Noob island or to talk to players who want to join. Is there an equivilent function in BeBot?
Activate the priv group module and the relay module.
And then make someone invite you to the guest channel.
i use the relay_guild.php module that flows around on this forum
and u can add guest if u r bot admin/super admin
all u have to do is !guest <name> and it will add to your mysql db --> guest table
guest can then /tell <botnam> !invite (or invite if u don't use prefix)
bot should then invite guest to guild channel
make sure you have relay on so guest in privatechat can read what is saying in guild chat and vice versa
i use the relay_guild.php module that flows around on this forum
and u can add guest if u r bot admin/super admin
all u have to do is !guest <name> and it will add to your mysql db --> guest table
guest can then /tell <botnam> !invite (or invite if u don't use prefix)
bot should then invite guest to guild channel
make sure you have relay on so guest in privatechat can read what is saying in guild chat and vice versa
im having a problem with my !guest channel with my bot. We can see what they say, but they cant see what the org says.. relay is on too. what am i missing?
That's pretty odd. Never heard of that happening before if relay is on. It's either all or nothing.
Either way there are 2 functions in Relay_GUILD.php that make this work. You may need to open that file and check for these. That is make sure they exsist.
This gets called on a msg in the guild chat (commands aren't relayed)
function gmsg($name, $group, $msg)
if (strtolower($name) != strtolower($this -> bot -> botname))
$this -> bot -> send_pgroup($highlight ."$name:</font><font color=#0FF20B> $msg");
This gets called on a msg in the privgroup without a command
function privgroup($name, $msg)
if (strtolower($name) != strtolower($this -> bot -> botname))
$this -> bot -> send_gc($highlight ."[Guest] $name:</font><font color=#0FF20B> $msg");
i have a problem with my guest channel. when i use !lock then it says the lock has been set on but people can still join or the bot semple restart.
how do i fix that?