BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 12:56:26 pm

Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 12:56:26 pm
ok i did everything they told me to do
now i am doing :

Starting the bot:

Open a console (In windows press "Start" => "Run" => enter "cmd" and press
Now run the start.php
Windows: Navigate to the directory of your bot assuming you have the php.exe
in the same directory and write "php start.php".
Linux: Assuming your can run php4 from anywhere navigate to your bot
directory and write "php4 start.php" (assuming your php binary is named

This doenst work  :cry:  :cry:  Could any1 tell me what i do wrong
I hope the window typ in cmd, works...
Then i typ in start.php .... doenst work.... even not php4 start.php
( working with windows )
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Sputnik on January 23, 2005, 06:58:24 pm
did you download the php files from this site.  If you did make sure you  edit the php.ini file and add extension=php_sockets.dll to it.  Then make sure you edit your start.php to where instead of php4 it says php.exe. I made a batch file to run the bot. But open up cmd prompt. go into your bebot dir and type php start.php and it should run if you got the mysql stuff set up right.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 09:37:02 pm
It doesnt work...

I realy dunno what i do wrong
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 09:40:03 pm
I realy cunfussed  :?  :?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 09:42:54 pm
Ok first problem is gone now
It says AOChat class needs the sockets extension to work.
must i change it in the AOChat.php so yes must it in this :


  if((float)phpversion() < 4.2)
    die("AOChat class needs PHP version >= 4.2.0 to work.\n");
    die("AOChat class needs the Sockets extension to work.\n");

  if(!extension_loaded("gmp") && !extension_loaded("bcmath"))
    die("AOChat class needs either GMP or BCMath extension to work.\n");

And what must i edit ?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 23, 2005, 09:59:38 pm
Hope some1 knows this

Anyways time to sleep now will be back laterz :D
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 23, 2005, 10:50:30 pm
In start.php in your bebot folder, edit the line:
   $php_bin = "php4";
   $php_bin = "php";

This means it will use the bin php.exe as opposed to php4.exe which you don't have.

After you've changed this, navigate to your bebot folder, then type:

php start.php

Also, make sure you have the files:

All in your bebot directory.

And to clarify things, you are on a windows machine right?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 24, 2005, 09:00:04 am
Quote from: "craized"
In start.php in your bebot folder, edit the line:
   $php_bin = "php4";
   $php_bin = "php";

This means it will use the bin php.exe as opposed to php4.exe which you don't have.

After you've changed this, navigate to your bebot folder, then type:

php start.php

Also, make sure you have the files:

All in your bebot directory.

And to clarify things, you are on a windows machine right?

yes i use windows machine....

it still says :  AOChat class needs the sockets extension to work.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 24, 2005, 10:29:11 am
Make sure in your php.ini, it includes this line:
extension_dir = ./

I don't know why it wouldn't, but its my last idea for now.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 24, 2005, 11:24:55 am
dont work
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: DirX on January 24, 2005, 12:56:14 pm
Had the same problem. Change your php.ini to look like this:

extension_dir = ./

and give it a bit seemed to work for me
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 24, 2005, 01:10:11 pm
it still saying AOChat class needs the sockets extension to work.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 25, 2005, 01:42:49 pm
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 26, 2005, 06:08:14 am
Its a long shot, but try removing

die("AOChat class needs the Sockets extension to work.\n");

like you suggested earlier. There is always a chance that it for some reason isn't registering, but the chances are very slim. Always worth a shot though.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 26, 2005, 10:00:44 am
that worked.. now i dunno if any1 can help me with the MySQL.conf
I dont know what the i.p and stuff is for AO-RK2 :oops:
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 26, 2005, 10:12:03 am
You have to have your own MySQL database, it isn't anything specific for RK2. If you have mysql installed on the same box you're running the bot off of, then the server would be localhost. You have to set up a user and password for mysql as well, which you will then put into MySQL.conf. Once you have it set up, log into mysql using
Code: [Select]
mysql -u <username> -p
(prompts for password)

then type:
Code: [Select]
use bebot or your bots name as the dbname for organization.
then, type
Code: [Select]
use <dbname>;
source <path/to/items.sql>;

Then wait for the items database to upload into yoru newly created database! Finally, log out of mysql using
Code: [Select]


You're all set to use your bot now.
You can get mysql from

Also, congradulations on the resolution of your old problem, but I still find it hard to believe that worked.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 26, 2005, 05:13:42 pm
ok i will check this out later.. need to find out where to put evreything first :P
but if i tryed it i will let u know if it worked or not]]
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 26, 2005, 05:19:24 pm
got a mysql now.... but what do i do now must i put the codes u gave in mysql.conf ?
couse i see :

$dbase = "";
$user = "";
$pass = "";
$server = "";

$server = "";  <-- my own ip or something ?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Sputnik on January 26, 2005, 07:38:49 pm
$dbase = "";
$user = "";
$pass = "";
$server = "";

Lets assume you got you mysql server working and you have a schema named bebot and the user is thebot and password is 12345 and you have given thebot user GRANT ALL priviledges to the bebot schema.  This is wht the info would look like.

dbase= "bebot";
user= "thebot";
pass= "12345";
server= "localhost";
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 26, 2005, 09:48:22 pm
To create a MySQL user, type
Code: [Select]

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <dbname>.* TO <username>
IDENTIFIED BY <password>;

Normally I would expect you to find this information on your own, but the MySQL documentation is fairly hard to comprehend.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 26, 2005, 10:37:21 pm
Warning: Mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'Paganizer'@' ip here...' (using password: YES) in C:\documents and settings\ikee16\MySQL.php on line 36...........................

help ?  :cry:  :cry:
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: craized on January 26, 2005, 11:02:12 pm
Is the MySQL db on the same box, or on a different one?
If its on the same box, then you don't need to put @<your ip>.
Also, Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Paganizer on January 29, 2005, 09:50:15 pm
hm i already dont understand it :P
But other guy in guild got it runned now, he had same problem as i had first but its fixed by him
so thanks for the help :D:D:D its ok now :D
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Empyreanwolf on May 17, 2005, 02:19:47 pm
I am havin the same problem as him above . and i follow all the steps and the problem still occurs, i got the error....

[Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank!] Access denied for user 'bebot' (using password: YES)

i try alot of method but some of the mare too confusin  :cry:
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Kate on May 17, 2005, 02:28:08 pm
Are you Sure you did the mysql command like (see below), as the root user?

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bebot.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Empyreanwolf on May 17, 2005, 03:27:03 pm
Ok thanks got it runnin ! now i need to configure it......

Now it is sayin

To [Unholywolf]: !help
[Unholywolf]: I only listen to members of this bot.

i am makin a raid bot and i have put  

$super_admin["Empyreanwolf"] = true;

wat step did i miss ?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Ltes on May 18, 2005, 12:44:14 am
Quote from: "Empyreanwolf"

To [Unholywolf]: !help
[Unholywolf]: I only listen to members of this bot.

i am makin a raid bot and i have put  

$super_admin["Empyreanwolf"] = true;

thats easy enough...all you're going to need to do is
/tell Unholywolf !member Empyreanwolf
then you can !join, !help, w/e
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Jordan on May 25, 2005, 02:10:05 am
I saw all post and this helped me to solve many problems... but now i get this ...

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (100
60) in D:\bebot_v0211\bebot\MySQL.php on line 36
[Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank!] (Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060))

Cans sombody help me?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: Pudz on June 02, 2005, 05:03:27 pm
guys do u mind swearing here?guess not.anywayz i need to kno how to install this so called 'guildbot' instalation files show i need php and i got it from this site.i got the files>php(wit a screen sybol),php(wit a notepad sybol),php_bz2.dll,php sockets.dll and php4ts.dll< wha do i do from here plz?
Title: Got problem, what do i wrong ?
Post by: komives on June 07, 2005, 04:45:38 pm
Paga you are hopeless :P
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