BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: eracet1 on April 04, 2006, 02:50:58 pm
I am wondering if there is an easy way to change where commands are used.
Such as !help can only be used in tells, and not in guild chat.
But other commands can be used in guild chat.
Is there a way to change these that is easy?
And what if you want multiple commands such as !help in tells or in guild chat?
You can disable existing functions with the rights management, just set it to false for all user groups.
Otherwise to add a function for a specific channel, you have to do two things:
1) define the function with $commands[channel][command] = &$object to manage the command;
2) add a handler for the function in the corresponding handler function (pgmsg(), tell(), gc())
You can disable existing functions with the rights management, just set it to false for all user groups.
Otherwise to add a function for a specific channel, you have to do two things:
1) define the function with $commands[channel][command] = &$object to manage the command;
2) add a handler for the function in the corresponding handler function (pgmsg(), tell(), gc())
I am trying not to sound stupid, but what do you mean by "rights managment"?
If you have downloaded the 0.3.2 version, you should have the custom rights management I wrote included.
Just try if you can use !commands in a tell to the bot.
it is 0.3.2
But cannot find !command function.
here is what is listed atm in !help
::::: HELP :::::
Commands usable in Tells:
!about !admin !alts !announce !autoinv !battle !bid !bio !calc !chat !city !cloak !flip !gcr !guest !help !invite !irc !is !items !join !leave !level !logon !lvl !massinv !news !oe !online !points !raffle !raid !rally !relay !restart !roll !server !shutdown !target !time !verify !victory !whois
Commands usable in Privategroup:
!alts !announce !battle !bio !calc !caller !callers !city !cloak !flip !guest !invite !is !items !kick !leave !level !logon !lvl !massinv !news !oe !online !raffle !raid !rally !relay !roll !server !target !time !victory !whois
Commands usable in Guild Chat:
it is 0.3.2
But cannot find !command function.
You are using 0.2.3 most likely then.
The module is here (,153.0.html).