[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [CORE] [LOAD] Admin.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [CORE] [LOAD] Alts.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [CORE] [LOAD] BotHelp.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [CORE] [LOAD] Online.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [CORE] [LOAD] Que.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [MOD] [LOAD] About.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [MOD] [LOAD] PrivGroup.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [MOD] [LOAD] Shutdown.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [MOD] [LOAD] Timer.php
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Connecting
[2005-05-26 19:41:50] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Authenticateing
[2005-05-26 19:41:53] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Logging in
[2005-05-26 19:41:53] [LOGIN] [RESULT] OK
[2005-05-26 19:41:53] [BUDDY] [LOG] Username logged [on]
Read error: EOF
[2005-05-26 19:42:58] [CONN] [ERROR] Bot has disconnected. Reconnecting in 60 seconds.
After logging in again, it does the same thing again after being logged in for 60 seconds.
I've disabled alot of BeBot's included modules for the time being. Did I disable a module that the bot really needs perhaps?