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Author Topic: members errors  (Read 4833 times)

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Offline Ahtum

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members errors
« on: March 02, 2007, 04:22:46 pm »
hello everyone,
i have installed a few mods and with help they actually are working.
the last one i installed was the Plugin Name: Roster_Guild (modified) i went into sqlyog and dropped the members table because it said to and if i understand it correctly, it said it would redo the members table. ( i think i dropped the members table correctly)
in anycase when i restart the bot i have gotten several errors.
1, when someone logs in the bot restarts
2. if i manual add someone to the bot, they can login without the bot restarting but it does not show ai levels altho for a short time it was trying to. it would say
[The Chosen] Chosenbot: "Ahtum" (Lvl / (
)  : ) Logged On :: [link]Alts[/link]
3. the bot wont update the members roster and i cant figure out how to force it to, but if i do !online it shows levels and ai levels and will list alts.
im not a rocket scientist but i think all these errors are related to the members table in the sql file. here are the rest of the errors
[2007-03-01 17:18:02]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Ahtum logged [on]
MySQL error (# 0) on query: SELECT nickname, level, rank_name, profession, id, a
ilevel FROM members WHERE id = 818387204
Unknown column 'ailevel' in 'field list'
MySQL error (# 1) on query: SELECT nickname, firstname, lastname, level, profess
ion, rank_name, ailevel, aititle FROM members WHERE id = 818387204
Unknown column 'ailevel' in 'field list'
[2007-03-01 17:18:08]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [The Chosen] Chosenbot: "Ahtum" (Lvl / (
)  : ) Logged On :: [link]Alts[/link]  ::  .

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Online in C:\beebot\modules\Online.php on li
ne 35
this error on line 35 i saw someone else was having. it was late last night and i think i corrected it by moving the Online.php file to another folder. conf or core,

anyway im not getting that error anymore. if someone logs on that hasnt been added to the bot it still rebstarts and if soeone logs on who HAS been added, it wont show ai level in logon text.
ok i just logged in 2 alts. 1 that the bot sees when i logon and one the bot doesnt. the bot restarted when i logged the alt in that hasnt manualy been added to members
thanks in advance for any help or tips, hopefully someone can tell me what im doing wrong and how to get the bot to update the roster. i looked at the Whois (modified) and Whois (modified) (extended) but havnt tried installing them because im worried it will make the problem worse.
thanks everyone for helping this nub and being patient

Offline Malosar

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Re: members errors
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 04:37:53 pm »
If your members table is missing ailevel, your probably using an outdated Roster_GUILD.php module in your bot. There is the experimental roster which is probably the best and most used, and the one Xenixa posted recently for 2.10+ bots, which I think is almost identical.
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Offline Ahtum

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Re: members errors
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 07:50:12 pm »
i dl and installed the mod you suggested. then i dropped the members table, refreshed the sql folder and restarted the bot, when i looked it said updateing then seemed to hang there for a while. now the bot is acting like it was before. no ai levels but members have to manually be added. heres the exact message i get in the bot.
MySQL error (# 0) on query: SELECT nickname, level, rank_name, profession, id, a
ilevel FROM members WHERE id = 676467461
Unknown column 'ailevel' in 'field list'


Offline Malosar

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Re: members errors
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 08:16:48 pm »
Does the top of your roster file, where it creates the table, look like this?

Code: [Select]
  $db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS members
              (id INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
              nickname VARCHAR(25),
              firstname VARCHAR(25),
              lastname VARCHAR(25),
              rank TINYINT(4),
              rank_name VARCHAR(20),
              level INT,
              profession VARCHAR(15),
              gender VARCHAR(10),
              breed VARCHAR(10),
              ailevel INT,
              aititle VARCHAR(15),
              lastseen INT(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
              updated INT(11) DEFAULT '0')");
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Offline Ahtum

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Re: members errors
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 08:35:02 pm »
i see a few minor differences, so i replaced it with what you posted. heres what mine was
$db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS members
              (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
              nickname VARCHAR(25),
              firstname VARCHAR(25),
              lastname VARCHAR(25),
              rank TINYINT,
              rank_name VARCHAR(20),
              level INT,
              profession VARCHAR(15),
              defender_rank VARCHAR(15),
              defender_rank_id INT,
              gender VARCHAR(10),
              breed VARCHAR(10),
              guild VARCHAR(25),
              pic VARCHAR(100),
              lvlrange VARCHAR(10),
           updated INT)");

as soon as i log in the bot restarts because of an error.
[2007-03-02 19:39:32]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Ahtum logged [on]

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\beebot\modules\Logon_GUI
LD.php on line 113
this is with me copying the portion of your file you posted into my roster file.
thanks again.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 08:44:48 pm by Ahtum »


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