BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 04:08:04 pm

Title: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 04:08:04 pm
I seem to be having a bit of a hiccup in the login notification module.  Lists the char's name / lvl / prof / org rank...but no AI level.  when i look at console readout it lists Unknown column 'ailevel' - and its a sql error.  dont know if it a misprint in code or what.  open to suggestions    :P
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 04:29:40 pm
also - is there a way to specify the level of an item you are looking for with the !items module?
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: lonillen on September 13, 2006, 04:51:24 pm
also - is there a way to specify the level of an item you are looking for with the !items module?

as far as i know you can specify ql. syntax would be something like

!items <ql> <item name to search for>

(e.g. "!items 135 per snip" should return a ql135 perennium sniper)

Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: lonillen on September 13, 2006, 05:01:38 pm
I seem to be having a bit of a hiccup in the login notification module.  Lists the char's name / lvl / prof / org rank...but no AI level.  when i look at console readout it lists Unknown column 'ailevel' - and its a sql error.  dont know if it a misprint in code or what.  open to suggestions    :P

the error message suggests there is no column named 'ailevel' in your members table, checking for it (and creating if needed) might be a start. also when the column is there check if it gets populated when a new member is added.

Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 06:17:03 pm MySQL is giving me a headache but this is what I have so far:

   $who["nick"] = xmlparse($content, "nick");
   $who["firstname"] = xmlparse($content, "firstname");
   $who["lastname"] = xmlparse($content, "lastname");
   $who["level"] = xmlparse($content, "level");
   $who["gender"] = xmlparse($content, "gender");
   $who["breed"] = xmlparse($content, "breed");
   $who["profession"] = xmlparse($content, "profession");
   $who["faction"] = xmlparse($content, "faction");
   $who["rank"] = xmlparse($content, "rank");
   $who["rank_id"] = xmlparse($content, "rank_id");
   $who["org"] = xmlparse($content, "organization_name");
   $who["org_id"] = xmlparse($content, "organization_id");
    $who["at_name"] = xmlparse($content, "defender_rank");
   $who["at"] = xmlparse($content, "defender_rank_id");

note the bold print.  should the "at_name" and "at" be something along the lines of "ailevel"?  This is the whois-update.php file - the only file I could find with reference to this sort of thing in the MySQL database.  If I am way off base here I suppose that means editing MySQL through console  >:(  don't look forward to that.  I am going to try editing the whois-update.php in hopes it will alter the database.  perhaps one of you will rescue meh from my madness

BTW thank you for the !items info, worked as u said  :)
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Malosar on September 13, 2006, 06:57:31 pm
In mysql using the following command to see what your members table contains:

show columns from members;

See if you have an ailevel and aititle in the list. Then do:

select * from members where name like "toonname";

Obviously replace toonname with a name of a character that should be a member and see if there is data for your ailevel and aititle. If your using a mysql front end like sqlyog then simply get the data from the members table and check it there.

If all the data is there in the members table then check your logon_guild to see whether it's pulling the data or not. It should have something like:

$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT nickname, firstname, lastname, level, profession, rank_name, ailevel, aititle  FROM members WHERE id = " . $id);

You will notice it's pulling the ailevel and aititle as part of the mysql query.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 07:21:37 pm
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT nickname, firstname, lastname, level, profession, rank_name FROM members WHERE id = " . $id);

that is currently what is being pulled by Logon_GUILD.php - curious - where it is calling ailevels from  ???

that leads me to believe I will have to add something for ailevels in roster_GUILD.php as well since there is nothing there that says ailevels verbatum.  And, alas, my database is minus a ailevel or aititle column in the members table.  I will play with it a bit  :P
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Malosar on September 13, 2006, 07:38:20 pm
That means your using all old core files and modules. I assume you have like 0.2.3 or earlier? If this is a fresh bot I would advise starting with a new 0.2.8 bot. Hacking the newer versions into your bot would probably create more headaches than just starting one again with a newer version.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 07:48:49 pm
using 0.2.8.....
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 07:53:52 pm

<3 SQLyog and <3 you for telling me about it   :D
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Malosar on September 13, 2006, 08:19:22 pm
using 0.2.8.....

oh, maybe they haven't put the ai stuff in the 0.2 series, whereas most of us have put it in from modified versions of rosters, online, logon etc over time. Would probably need to ask Khalem or someone whom knows the respository versions well.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Dabaron on September 13, 2006, 08:26:45 pm
it is in the .2 series.  But you don't want to look at the whois-update.php because that is just the one that updates your whoiscache.  Go into the members tabel in your mysql.  There should be ailevel and aititle columns.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Malosar on September 13, 2006, 09:02:41 pm
it is in the .2 series.  But you don't want to look at the whois-update.php because that is just the one that updates your whoiscache.  Go into the members tabel in your mysql.  There should be ailevel and aititle columns.

I just downloaded and checked the 0.2.8 version and none of the modules mentioned have the AI information including roster, logon and online.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: dogEATdog on September 13, 2006, 11:54:43 pm
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Dabaron on September 14, 2006, 12:24:36 am
I may have updated mine since then, its hard to say.  I've put in a lot of the custom stuff and then even modified a lot of those even farther.   :P

Use this stuff though... should get you want you want.,135.0.html
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Khalem on September 14, 2006, 02:40:12 am
I recently discovered that 0.2 does not have AI level support outside of the whois module O.o.
This was not intentional, however with 0.3 closing in on stable, im hesitant to spend more work than neccecary on the aging 0.2 branch of BeBot.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: jjones666 on September 14, 2006, 10:08:06 am
Xenixa's modules ftw on 0.2 ;-)

Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Malosar on September 14, 2006, 02:25:22 pm
I recently discovered that 0.2 does not have AI level support outside of the whois module O.o.
This was not intentional, however with 0.3 closing in on stable, im hesitant to spend more work than neccecary on the aging 0.2 branch of BeBot.

I wouldn't bother personally, keep your time available on 0.3 branch :) Anyone whom really wants ai details in current versions can use the existing modules available on this forum to adjust.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Xenixa on September 16, 2006, 01:11:31 pm
Xenixa's modules ftw on 0.2 ;-)


Yup, I addressed the AI level stuff for the 0.2.x branch months ago. However since I stopped using that branch back in like March/April of this year I'm not sure the Modules I have on my FTP server for the 0.2.x are still valid for the current version of that branch. If they still work as is then thats great! :)

Just as a reminder they are here:

BTW, that Online.php works for both 0.2.x and 0.3.x Branches.
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Dabaron on September 16, 2006, 07:57:07 pm
Yes, they work fine
Title: Re: AI levels not showing up on logon
Post by: Dracutza on November 14, 2006, 05:05:58 am seems to have had a lot of files i'd like to get my hands on.  However i keep getting connection refused messages.  It is possible to please get these from someone else?
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