BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: plugz on May 13, 2007, 02:54:20 am

Title: 2 Bot questions
Post by: plugz on May 13, 2007, 02:54:20 am
OK I have 2 issues I'd like to address

1- When running start.bat, Login to the server will not occur

Code: [Select]
PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'xxx'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in xxx\MySQL.php on line 63
Now, checking MySQL.php, line 63 reads as:
Code: [Select]
$conn = mysql_connect($this -> SERVER, $this -> USER, $this -> PASS, true);I've reconfirmed password is set properly and even reset it.
Hence, I'm unable to get the bot to start

2- ItemsDB: When trying to follow the links found here in forums, all I get is access denied errors. Tried downloads with normal clickthru as well as using Download manager (set to 1 connection to avoid flood against the FTP server)

Responses appreciated, in advance

Title: Re: 2 Bot questions
Post by: tonyuh on May 13, 2007, 03:55:25 am
1) Have you tried logging into the mysql database manually using the console or a frontend?
2) Try disabling your firewall or something? Make sure you're using this Centralized Items Database by Vhab (,380.0.html)
Title: Re: 2 Bot questions
Post by: plugz on May 13, 2007, 05:03:12 am
OK did some checking, came to find out that MYSql never created the database, hence the inability to start up

I fixed this and its handled

Now, the fun part

Bot is loaded and running, I am setup as superadmin, yet all the bot tells me when I try to access it is "I only listen to members of this bot.

I set it up as a raidbot, all the checks and balances are in,yet I can't access it ingame

Insight apprecited

Title: Re: 2 Bot questions
Post by: plugz on May 13, 2007, 09:07:23 am
Actually worked this out on my own
Discovered that my SQL db never created itself

Also I've come across another admin GUI thats very user friendly for handling SQL DB

SQL Maestro (

You can use this GUI to setup your Bebot DB as well without having to go thru commandline interface.

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