BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Anarchy Online Archive => BeBot 0.2 support => Topic started by: bmoscato on January 26, 2007, 07:53:05 pm

Title: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 26, 2007, 07:53:05 pm
When I type !guest <name> I get the responce:

<name> has been added to guestlist

But when I do a !guestlist the name doesn't appear.  Also, when I do SELECT * FROM guests; the name doesn't apper.  Am I doing something wrong?

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 26, 2007, 08:15:11 pm
Check console for errors.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 27, 2007, 05:08:04 pm
Hey JJ,

I don’t have any errors on the console side during boot or when trying to add someone as a guest.  What’s weird is the one user that is my guests table also shows as if he is a member of our guild even though he is a different faction.  I also checked the members table and he doesn’t appear in it.

The current mods I’m running are Akarah’s online module, the Guild_Rooster, Persistent Whois cache, Whois modified, Module Settings, Autoinv, Relay_Guild, Alert, Assist Caller and Colors.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 27, 2007, 06:10:13 pm
So the guest table is basically empty?

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 27, 2007, 07:50:33 pm
Yes, it only has 1 entry but that entry was made before the I put the mods in.
Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 28, 2007, 12:35:10 am
It should have the following structure:

id - int(11)
name - varchar(25)
timeadd - int(11)
addby - varchar(25)
notify - tinyint(1)
alertstatus - tinyint(1)

Double check, add any missing entries and let me know :-)

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 28, 2007, 10:11:51 pm
Hey JJ,

That was my problem.  I was missing the notify and alertstatus columns from the guests table.  I ended up just dropping the table and restarting the bot to recreate the table.

Are the people that are designated as guests suppose to show up as members of the guild?  Because on my bot when I do !online my guests show as both guild and private chat users.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 28, 2007, 11:37:56 pm

They shouldn't be in members table no, or show on !online status unless they're actually in the private group / guest chat...

In the console, you should see the following type entries in the case of guests:

[2007-01-28 21:58:06]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Vhab logged [off] (guest)
[2007-01-28 21:58:36]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Vhab logged [on] (guest)

And in the case of members:

[2007-01-28 18:59:31]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   Jjones666 logged [off]
[2007-01-28 18:59:32]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [Insert Name] Jjbot: Jjones666 logged off
[2007-01-28 18:59:32]   [PGRP]  [MSG]   [Jjbot] Jjbot: Jjones666 logged off

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 29, 2007, 01:13:59 am

This is what I have.


[2007-01-28 22:34:56]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   PlayerMember [on]
[2007-01-28 22:34:56]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [Exodus] Exobot2: "PlayerMember" (Lvl 220 Doctor Squad Commander) logged on
[2007-01-29 00:06:31]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [Exodus] PlayerMember: test 1
[2007-01-29 00:06:31]   [PGRP]  [MSG]   [Exobot2] Exobot2: PlayerMember: test 1
[2007-01-29 00:15:29]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   PlayerMember logged [off]
[2007-01-29 00:15:29]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [Exodus] Exobot2: PlayerMember logged off


[2007-01-29 00:05:21]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   PlayerGuest logged [on] (guest)
[2007-01-29 00:05:46]   [TELL]  [INC]   PlayerGuest: !join
[2007-01-29 00:05:51]   [PGRP]  [JOIN]  PlayerGuest joined privategroup.
[2007-01-29 00:05:51]   [PGRP]  [MSG]   [Exobot2] Exobot2: "PlayerGuest"
 (Lvl 201 / 4 Meta-Physicist, Applicant of Button Moon) joined bot.
[2007-01-29 00:06:07]   [PGRP]  [MSG]   [Exobot2] PlayerGuest: test2
[2007-01-29 00:06:07]   [GROUP] [MSG]   [Exodus] Exobot2: [Guest] PlayerGuest: test2
[2007-01-29 00:15:17]   [BUDDY] [LOG]   PlayerGuest logged [off] (guest)
[2007-01-29 00:15:17]   [PGRP]  [LEAVE] PlayerGuest left privategroup.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 29, 2007, 02:12:08 am
This is correct in both cases with guild chat -> private group relay being turned on (and if people are in private group, they will show in !online).

Case closed or still an issue?


Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 29, 2007, 03:51:14 pm

When a guest is online he/she appears in the guild members area when you do !Online; if the guest joins the private channel then that guest will also appear in the private group area.

When adding guests I do "/tell bot !guest playernamehere".

I'm using Akarah's modified online module.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: jjones666 on January 29, 2007, 04:32:11 pm
 :o I've never heard of this happening before, so I think one of our resident Bebot experts will answer :-)

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: Malosar on January 29, 2007, 05:43:55 pm
Never heard of it either, check your members table to see if they're in there as well as guests?
Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 29, 2007, 07:20:17 pm
I ran the sql command:

mysql> select * from members where nickname = "PlayerGuest";

The guest users do not appear in my members table; they only appear in the guests and whois tables.

Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 30, 2007, 08:47:24 pm
Anyone with an idea?
Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: Dabaron on January 31, 2007, 11:06:50 am
I actually ran into that exact same thing one day but only with 1 guest.  I fixed it but can't for the life of me remember what I did.  lol

The strangest part is it was still showing him online (in the members area) even after he logged out of AO.
Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: bmoscato on January 31, 2007, 05:46:45 pm
I ended up just reverting back to the original version of !Online that Akarah wrote.  I was using the update for fancy/non-fancy and I think that was causing my issues.
Title: Re: !Guest command
Post by: Dabaron on January 31, 2007, 08:50:33 pm
Been thinking about it and I think I just dropped the members table (even though that person wasn't listed in it) and then restarted bot so it would rebuild it.  Not 100% that is what fixed it but that is what I seem to remember doing.
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