Archive > BeBot Hyborian support

Whois table and Guests of bot

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Hi guys,

Maybe someone can enlighten me on this issue...

Members typically stay in the Whois table so that I can use the data there to find class and level etc. in my custom modules. However lately I also have added many people with Guests access to the bot.... while they are listed in the Users table as all normal members, they just sometimes have entries in the Whois table for some reason.

Is this normal, and is there a way to make all guests access people also be updated in Whois table for me to use the data there?

Thanks in advance!


Nobody knows how this is working? I still have the same problem, WHOIS table does not contain Guests of the bot, all Members are there of course. Is there any way I can force it to also update and keep Guests in WHOIS or is it supposed to do that already so that this would be an error?

Thanks in advance :)

The bot should store the infos for all characters queried.

One thing I noticed in the code though is that the whois table is emptied every time your bots restarts. Not sure why that is done, try commenting out the TRUNCATE TABLE call in core/aoc/Whois.php.

Stored information will stay inside the table forever then, but should still be updated on a query if it's outdated.

And please give some feedback if your bot still works correctly, then I'll remove the TRUNCATE call for the next version.

Okay I'll give that a shot, and yes I know as well that it has always been emptied, god knows why. But if new are added, existing changed and/or deleted based on changes, then there might not be a need for it :)

This might solve my issue with guests as well even if of course there has to be another reason for guest not being populated in Whois in general, compared to members... I frequently restart the bot, way to often sometimes :)


--- Quote from: Organizer on March 22, 2009, 09:49:39 am ---This might solve my issue with guests as well even if of course there has to be another reason for guest not being populated in Whois in general, compared to members... I frequently restart the bot, way to often sometimes :)

--- End quote ---
Members should be on notify that means they are on the buddy list of the bot. So every time the bot starts up all their infos get read and added.


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