BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Urme on July 08, 2008, 04:56:41 pm
I've tested to set my crafting skills, but it doesn't show up on Whois? Anyone got this working? It's saved in the mysql database at least.
I've got it working, but only because I'm running autogratz - it seems that the whois cache is being updated with the correct information whenever a player changes location or levels only because of this (note the crafting classes are not shown in whois when a player logs on, only after they change location or level).
I've been trying to figure out why this should be, but no joy yet
Yes, I have noticed this aswell. I havn't had the time looking into the problem causing it.
I've found the problem - the SQL in core/Whois.php was using the wrong variable.
Diff file available here (
Thanks you are the man. :-)
Fixed and updated repository.
did this get broken again? I just updated today and the !whois does not show crafting classes
Works fine for me.
!setcraft Gemcutter Weaponsmith
!whois CheRny -> Details -> I see Gemcutter and Weaponsmith
So everything works fine.
I just notices this running r13 that whois does not update, however using the !craft to check gives you a proper update... none the less good to know it's fixed in a newer build!
My 2nd issue; I only have one craft and I can't set it? Doing "!setcraft Alchemist" gives the Thank You but does not store it...
Could someone look into that? Presuming it should be allowed to only have one craft :)
I notice that it is only showing the crafting classes for the owner. !whois montauk(owner) and it lists my profs but when I do another guildmember that has set his or hers the classes are not listed.
On another note, with the new update I find I must copy a portion form the kos whois file (the part containing the check kos list for !whois) over to the new whois.php each update. Is this necessary or is there a more efficient way to do this?
And a final note of thanks, I'm loving the bot it makes AoC seem a little more like AO :) thanks for the hard work.
an update on this on my end, it just seems to take a little while to replicate. I did a whois on other people in the guild as soon as they entered the info in, and nothing. I did it the next day and it did work.
Not sure why it does that, but it's something I can live with :)
In addition to the reported issue with setting only 1 craft, the system as well does not tell you that you spelled wrong etc. The message is simply thank you for updating even it's not saving due to for instance a spelling error from the users side... keep up the good work!
yeah as for now if someone has one crafting profession I tell them to just type it in twice. !setcraft gemcutter gemcutter
That works for now at least