BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: OTGBot on January 08, 2009, 10:34:57 pm

Title: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 08, 2009, 10:34:57 pm
I have bebot-0.6.1 running with the AOC modules.

I can !items "string to search for" just fine, but the command

!itemreg produces:

Error: Item Server returned Error.

That's it. 

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Temar on January 09, 2009, 02:15:56 am
how are you useing !itemreg ?
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 09, 2009, 04:41:59 pm
!itemreg [linked item]
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on January 10, 2009, 11:36:46 pm
Same error as i have got last few versions
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 12, 2009, 06:01:02 pm
Any news on this issue?

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 12, 2009, 06:02:27 pm
BTW:  I am running this on a Linux box and do not know how to set the debug options (for logging).

Any help on that would be useful.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 13, 2009, 12:05:44 am
Ok..I did a manual entry of this item:  I know it exists, but should it return something else?

Where SERVER is the server I am on,
guildname is my guilds name (%20 for spaces)
username is my character name.
checksum is the md5 sum of all that info strung together.  like:

echo (md5('aocitems3936272393627261aad8bba9e489c738ae250417ce404895aad8bba9e489c738ae250417ce4048956d8dffWill of AtaliSERVERGUILDNAMECHARNAME'));

Does this help?

I also get a response of:   3
from your itemserver    aocdb......

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 13, 2009, 12:10:04 am
I also tried the above line without the % inbetween each of the CRC sections lowcrc= and highcrc=

No different.

Please help as nobody can submit items.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 16, 2009, 05:34:04 pm
Any news on this?

We still can not add any items to the master item db.

Or is there a different master DB I should use?

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 26, 2009, 04:23:20 pm
Still haven't heard from anyone about this issue.

Should I try to connect to a different main item database other than

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Temar on January 26, 2009, 08:35:14 pm
is there even a dif 1 available?
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 26, 2009, 11:27:58 pm
I think there is.  But i'm not sure.

I would really just like to get this problem fixed as even a diff database might produce the same results.

Is there any way that can be confirmed of the exact order/format of the item db submission?

As you can see by the links in previous messages, I followed the Items.php format.  If there is something that I'm missing, let me know.  I can modify the php code enough to pass all the correct info.  What I'm getting is not a meaningful error message.

Server returned an error.  The manual attempt produces an output of '3'.  The trapping part of Items.php looks for a '1', '2', or else returns the error.  What does return of '3' mean?

Please we can not submit any new items.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Temar on January 26, 2009, 11:36:56 pm
3 is error, but doesnt say wat
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 27, 2009, 06:51:10 am
Any way to find out what it means?  What am I missing or what is misconfigured. 

If not, at least knowing the exact requirements for submittal would help.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on January 27, 2009, 02:43:40 pm
Its broken for some bot owners afaik.
Have reported it to owner of global DB, but doesnt have time to look into it :(

Not sure what can be wrong, but must be something like the DB refuse to reg item from bots that isnt in allowed list ...

Im thinking of building my own database, but need spare time for it first:P
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 27, 2009, 03:11:05 pm
I've thought about building my own db also. 

First, I would just figure out what query to run to get the item info, then try to populate my own db with that info. 

I'll look into it sometime soon.  (within a couple weeks).

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on January 28, 2009, 07:50:37 pm
Have made a verry simpel DB that are able to collect item using todays !itemreg with small addon.
Im still using the old DB for searcing as my DB is not that big.

What server are you on OTGBot? Maybe we can coop on a new db...
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 28, 2009, 11:12:56 pm
I am on Wiccana.

So, for submitting, you send to your DB, but doing queries, you query your DB and the master DB?

What add on?  is it something you wrote for your DB? 

I'm guessing you had the same problem where you couldn't sumbit new stuff to the master DB at right?

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on January 29, 2009, 07:00:40 am
Yes, im getting error when submitting to current master DB.

So what im doing now is submitting to my own DB, querysearching in master DB.
This just because my own DB is far from complete or usable atm.

The addon is just to make it work with 2 database. And i also made a new kinda passkey for talking with my DB. Simpel because ppl could just request a passkey to talk with it and i get control over how many ppl have access to it.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on January 29, 2009, 08:09:44 pm

I still think it would be better if we found out WHY these errors are happening, so we can fix them.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on February 09, 2009, 10:04:56 pm
Any more info on this error?  Last time I checked, someone was trying to get a hold of the guy who runs the master db.

Is that still in the works? 

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Daworm on February 10, 2009, 11:34:28 am
I saw mention somewhere that apparently the one running the db is a "noer" I think I might have tracked down their e-mail.

So sent an e-mail with a link to this thread... hopefully they get it sometime soon and pop in and advise...

I have a bot running for my guild on Cimmeria and cannot use !itemreg :(
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Wizhk on February 10, 2009, 01:41:52 pm
We need Itemreg for New Culture Armor Recipes and Items..


Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on February 10, 2009, 11:22:44 pm
We need Itemreg for New Culture Armor Recipes and Items..


That, my friend, is precisely why I started this thread.  We can't add anything to the master DB.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on February 20, 2009, 07:23:01 pm more attempt to get this resolved.

Any news from the master DB person?  If not, is there any way to siphon the master db down to a local version?

This is taking way to long to get resolved.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Wizhk on February 21, 2009, 01:42:03 am
Just found this..

[email protected]

I believe that to be our Database holders E-mail address..

Also, If I am correct. You can have your people do !itemreg <link the item>.. This will in fact produce an error but I think I read elsewhere that the Database Owner still gets the information and updates the database. Not positive.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Daworm on February 23, 2009, 07:29:54 am
I did e-mail the database owner but no reply as yet... sadly.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Organizer on April 08, 2009, 10:26:06 pm
This is now as well officially bugging me for our guild bot. Can't any of the bot devs explain at least if they have control or contact with the person running the DB, if they are working on this at all, if its a lost case, etc. sad to see this issue alive for months now...

Sad to see this not fixed for such a long time, did anyone try reverting back to an older items.php file to check if some later revisions have messed with it?
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Alreadythere on April 08, 2009, 10:36:14 pm
Noone of the current active devs (Khalem, Temar and myself) have any control over the server.

I think Noer created it when he published the AoC version of bebot and is still hosting it.
But we don't have any other way to contact him then by PM of Email either.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on April 17, 2009, 10:40:15 pm
This is still a disturbing trend.  As it happens in every mmo, one person who is actively involved, stop becoming so, and the rest of the people who rely on that person suffer for it.

It would be a good idea to get a central (dev written/controlled) database that could be actively maintained.

For me, it would even be ok if I had a DB that I could import all the known info from the current central db.

Either that, or we just need to figure out of if the data being submitted is in the correct format.  It would also be nice to see some debug info as to why our items are not able to be added.

Has ANY data been added in 5 months or more?

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on April 19, 2009, 03:05:25 pm
I have made my own DB gathering info from Global chat last 2-3months.
Only have 4000 items in it (some items is duplicated with french/german/spanish language, but should then also be searchable in thoes language)

!items is still gathering from original item DB, but all itemreg is going against my own DB.

If there is someone else that want to help me "betatest" it and is not on Fury server pm me
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: korncob on April 22, 2009, 11:17:04 am
Well sorry to burst the bubble...but the thing is in about a month or whenever they finish testing patch 1.05, it completely changes just about all gear it might be a good idea to hold off until then and then start anew.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on April 22, 2009, 02:53:13 pm
The item database has no stats stored...
AoC doesnt give out detailed information easly. The only stuff thats being stored is name, lvl and a bounce of IDs that have nothing todo with stats but indicating what item its linked to ingame.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: OTGBot on April 22, 2009, 08:22:50 pm
I would be very interested in what mods you made to the items.php file and the DB changes you made (table layout etc..)

I'm on the wiccana server (US) so only need english items. 

It would be nice if there was a way we could peer the DBs together so that any data you get, you send to me, and anything I get, I send to you.

Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on April 22, 2009, 10:56:00 pm
Currently as stated before my mods are only collecting data.
The modification is only on the itemreg function. So you still search via todays DB as its more "up2date" then my.
At this point it contains 4210 items, and has 41720 in theire DB according to page.

Atm its being collected links from Fury Global+1guild and Crom global+1guild.

If you wanna help me test out the modificated registration function against my DB give me a PM
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: korncob on April 26, 2009, 07:23:29 am
The item database has no stats stored...
AoC doesnt give out detailed information easly. The only stuff thats being stored is name, lvl and a bounce of IDs that have nothing todo with stats but indicating what item its linked to ingame.

Ahha I see, thats cool...

Have you tried just buying every item you can (cheap ones at least) and linking them, and getting a slew of people in global and stuff to link theirs? it might help out a thousand or two...otherwise it might take months to do it.
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on April 26, 2009, 10:56:13 am
Nope, but atm there is 2 other then me doing reg against my DB and looks like it works.
There is always some "link wars" inbetween, but special epic.

Total items 6383
Title: Re: Server error for !itemreg command
Post by: Getrix on July 10, 2009, 07:34:07 pm
Still anyone knows if Noers DB dont accept itemregs? (Only return '3')?
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