BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: kaeus on July 15, 2008, 03:25:55 pm
I never played AO and so I'm relatively new to Bebot. Currently, my guild loves the features and I'm looking to expand certain things.
ATM, I'm making a /recruit command that someone with proper privileges can do to send an OOC recruitment message. Now I know there is a send to pgroup, but I have no idea how pgroups work (mainly because there dont seem to be the same channel structure as in AO I guess)
Could anyone provide an example on how to send a message to the OOC channel if possible?
pgroup is the guestchannel of a guild bot or the privat chat group of a raidbot.
like a tell "/tell name text" u can also write to a certain chat channel: "/channel text" - so u can implement such a feature clickable in a textblob, for example:
<a href='chatcmd:///channel text'>::click for message in ooc::</a>
hope this helps.
*args* sorry, dont mind thats an AoC bot question... i m only in AO :-p
now that you mention it though this would be handy for recruitment purposes for the aoc bot
So any way to set up a make_blob to OOC?
Could I do this by modifying a version of send_pgmsg to send to the ooc channel ID? I have NO clue what the channel ID's are to test this. :(
You could try using the
$this -> bot -> core("chat") -> lookup_group("Playfield");
But this will only go to the region the bot is located in. You can't select Playfields in other areas. And besides that I think in general making bots output automatically to public channels is a bad idea. The current spam with recruitment scripts is already getting out of hand.
No luck finding the channel ID.