BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: gnot on July 30, 2008, 08:53:00 pm
I have a problem clearing the bot for information about players who was kicked or left the guild.
Deleting them as users functions okay. And they cant get any info out of the bot anymore. The problem is that the bot keeps posting in guildchat when these players go online/offline. They stay on the buddylist even after i clear it and force a roster update. Am i doing something wrong here, or is this a known issue?
Thanks for a REALLY nice program btw :)
Check that the player is not still in the notify list (!notify) is they are, remove them using "!notify off <player>".
I can't reproduce the problem, so if there's anything in your bots log it would be useful to help troubleshoot this.
As far as I can understand I already posted something in relations to this subject in the thread about r9 being released, unless I am mistaken of course, that happens often :)
Removing characters as members of the bot do not remove them from the buddy list and the command to remove a user from the buddy list does not exist or work as far as I can figure out. And as long as they are buddies they are all still on notify for offline/online and similar, including getting congratulations when they level if running autogratz, starting to be very annoying for my guild ;)
So maybe someone can look into why deleting a member does not fully remove him from all services, or alternatively as well restore !rembuddy <name> to work so that they can be removed that way as well... thank you again for all the good work on this.
As far as I can understand I already posted something in relations to this subject in the thread about r9 being released, unless I am mistaken of course, that happens often :)
Removing characters as members of the bot do not remove them from the buddy list and the command to remove a user from the buddy list does not exist or work as far as I can figure out. And as long as they are buddies they are all still on notify for offline/online and similar, including getting congratulations when they level if running autogratz, starting to be very annoying for my guild ;)
So maybe someone can look into why deleting a member does not fully remove him from all services, or alternatively as well restore !rembuddy <name> to work so that they can be removed that way as well... thank you again for all the good work on this.
This is exactly how it is on my setup aswell.
I couldnt find anything related to the problem in the logfiles.
Just bumping for a reply on this removing a buddy issue, is it working as intended, being fixed soon or... now I also have a feeling that deleting a member is not cleaning up the "alts" table of the database, that as well require an update should a member be deleted...
I'm working on this atm - not much more I can really say that hasn't already been said: check the notify list, check the alts list, do a whois on the character to check if they have any access to the bot....
I have some sort of clue on it.
I decided to make a fresh setup with the newest Bebot Hyborian version. Including new database etc etc.
When i started it up the first time it still somehow knew the people who was no longer in the guild (showed them as notify off). They are not posted in our guildchat anymore tho. My gues is, that even after people leave or get kicked they are still somehow connected to the guild in the Funcom db....
Well I am sure the admins will look into it when time, I doubt it is cleaning up very well, e.g. I have people deleted that still are in security groups etc. so hopefully it can all be cleaned up so that when a character is deleted its also removed from buddylists, security groups and similar :)
Was wondering if people could automatically be removed from the bot by using the last seen date? For instance have an auto remove setting where you can set max number of days since last seen and the bot will automatically remove them when they reach the set number of days.
I'd love it if they could automatically remove people who did not talk in guild chat for over 2 weeks, or even something configurable. This way people who leave the guild without saying anything to anyone about leaving will not be able to access the bot.
Sure it would cause issues with alts getting removed, but that's not a huge deal as it will automatically add them back again once they talk in GC again