BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Roath on July 23, 2008, 11:48:02 pm
First of all, great bot, love it.
However, i just installed it and it doesn't show me on the !member list, granted that can be fixed by doing !member add Roath, but then it still doesn't show me on !online even though it does report me as being online when i do !whois Roath.
!rosterupdate only answeres "Starting roster update.", nothing else, so i dont think that works either since it doesn't say that it finishes.
can anyone help me please? i am using the version directly from the SVN, redownloaded it 2min ago and started on a clean database.
it doesn't show me on the !member list, granted that can be fixed by doing !member add Roath, but then it still doesn't show me on !online even though it does report me as being online when i do !whois Roath.
!member add Roath
Not sure what you are hinting at CheRny but as the fellow said he's done a !member add Roath and this does not solve the issue...
Same Temar all that post confirms is that as owner chatting in the channel does not get you automatically added, so you would need to do a manual !member add Roath, and again as he says he has done this and still does not get listed in e.g. !online (e.g. I am on my bot listed so clearly it should be possible).
Roath for fun you could try a clean install and not add yourself as owner and first get picked up by the bot by simply chatting, then afterwards go in the configuration file and set yourself as owner...
yeah, that was what i did in the end, and it worked, thanks :)
Try these:
1. !member add Rouch. Check if you have any feedback from your bot. Check if you are a member. If you add yourself as a member in gc you'll see shortly logon notify: Roath (bla-bla-bla xx level) is online. If doent work try 2.
2. !whois Roath, click Details, check if you have Owner rights. Click Add to Buddylist. If you add yourself as a member in gc you'll see shortly logon notify: Roath (bla-bla-bla xx level) is online. If you dont see it you are not a buddy (member) to your bot. Try 3 then.
3. Make sure you are owner of your bot. Give someone in your guild admin rights - !admin add ADMIN NameOfYourFriend. Ask him to add you as a member !member add Roath. Check if you are a member. Take back admin rights from your friend !admin del ADMIN NameOfYourFriend.
If all 3 don't work -> you have specific problem and sadly none could help you, you need to find it yourself. Clean install, following install manual, check every point and so on. Hold on and never give up.
yeah, that was what i did in the end, and it worked, thanks :)
Oh, great )) While I was writing my message you solved your problem.