BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: fldash on August 27, 2008, 10:16:20 pm

Title: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: fldash on August 27, 2008, 10:16:20 pm
Is this possible?  And have the bots in each channel relay one guilds chat to the other and vice versa?

Not sure if thats clear...

Basically I want two guilds to be able to see each others guild chat... and if I had a bot joined to each guild, it seems like it'd be possible...

Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: karashishi on August 28, 2008, 02:00:57 am
It's possible. I used the IRC module to relay all chat from 2 separate guildchats.

Both bots connects to a IRC channel and use that for the relay.

There is also a relay-module but i have not tried that one yet

Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Temar on August 28, 2008, 03:31:56 am
3 normal relay methods
Tells - MAX 2 (limited to same server)
Pgroup (req Relay Bot) No MAX (limited to same server)
DB No MAX no Server Limits

most setting for setting up are in the !set relay
in all cases of the type the bots have to have permission to use the !gcr command so simply setting as leader to each other should work
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Nytridr on August 29, 2008, 08:19:39 pm
ok I made up a wiki after Temar twist my arm a few times, and promised me riches beyond my imagination.   lol jk temar

For the wiki go here.. (
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: clashbot on September 05, 2008, 04:28:45 pm
Code: [Select]
I am curious on the DB relaying. I am not getting the choice for the DB. I only get pgroup and tells. I assume from looking at the code that there is a version check that limits the choices based upon this part of the code:
[code function update()
switch ($this -> bot -> db -> get_version("relay"))
case 1:
$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> update("Relay", "Type", "defaultoptions", "Pgroup;Tells;DB");
$this -> bot -> db -> set_version("relay", 2);

Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Temar on September 05, 2008, 11:22:40 pm
run !maintenance
it will update all incorrect settings
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Glarawyn on September 12, 2008, 09:44:57 pm
3 normal relay methods
Tells - MAX 2 (limited to same server)
Pgroup (req Relay Bot) No MAX (limited to same server)
DB No MAX no Server Limits

Did the IRC relay get dropped?
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: clashbot on September 12, 2008, 10:09:55 pm
no IRC module is still in there, and still part of the relay module. But, unless the bots are operating on different dimensions, or games, IRC is and can be cumbersome. Currently I am still using IRC to link AOC and AO, so the functionality is still there, though I believe that the DB mode will be much better for that.
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Temar on September 13, 2008, 12:06:07 am
the irc is just normal irc to ingame its just u used same chan on dif bots to link them
i bet i could easily add a proper relay via irc so the output is alot better
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 14, 2008, 07:10:05 am
I have tried now for a few hours getting 2 guild to relay back and forth to each other and I cannot get it working. Is this not doable in AOC?

I have a relay bot setup and then 2 org bots relaying to the relaybot.

Is it neccessary to have a relaybot?

Well here is the deal.  I can see both orgs chatting in the console of the relay. but the relay isnt sending the chat to the orgs...
I get this in the console of the relaybot.
Code: [Select]
Pbot: !gcr [~Guild] Undescribed: test test
Is it neccessary to have a seperate bot to do the relay? Can I just have the 2 bots communicate back and forth with noe relay bot 2 bot?

I also notice that no matter what I set PGname or GCname to in !settinngs Relay, i get this message from the console of each bot on restart.

Code: [Select]
cbot [SETTINGS]     [SAVED] Set Pgname for module Relay to ~Guild Guest
cbot [SETTINGS]     [SAVED] Set Gcname for module Relay to ~Guild
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 14, 2008, 03:25:55 pm
Ok, I was able to get the relay working by setting both Org bots to use the same DB and then setting the !settings relay to DB instread of Pgroug.
I still have a problem with the Pgname and GCname getting reset to ~Guild and ~Guild Guest on reboot. I can change them on the fly but its a pain to have to change it every time the bot reboots.
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Temar on October 14, 2008, 03:42:11 pm
There was some issues with Setting but now have been fixed in latest SVN copy of Bebot
and yes relay useing pgroup requires a relay bot
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 16, 2008, 03:19:16 am
run !maintenance
it will update all incorrect settings

Its kind of broken. instead of sending a tell to the bot to do the maintenance its does this: /ownername maintenance start
replace ownername with whoever the owner is.
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 16, 2008, 04:37:34 am
For the life of me I cannot get Pgroup to relay to my bots...
Is Pgroup not working for AOC?

I see the messages on the relay bot but the relay bot responds /tell Relaybot !help

I set the permissions on !gcr so that the org bots have access to that command.

On another note if I send a tell to the relaybot as the OWNER /tell relaybot !gcr Test

I dont get an error but nothing is displayed on the Orgbots...

I think there is an issue with Pgroup's in AOC, I dont think AOC allows private groups...

I could be wrong.
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 16, 2008, 04:58:31 am
There was some issues with Setting but now have been fixed in latest SVN copy of Bebot
and yes relay useing pgroup requires a relay bot

I updated via svn and the Gcname and Pgname still revert back to ~Guild and ~Guild Guest.
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Temar on October 16, 2008, 07:24:08 am
i just changed Pgname on my org bot then restarted it and it was as i set it

i have just disabled the org name detection that works for ao since with aoc it only gets ~Guild

which means it will now use the $guild setting in your .conf file
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 16, 2008, 10:36:39 pm
ok, I willl do an SVN update. THanks!
I see you logged into my TWC at 19:34. I am on now, do you think you could jump on and help me get this relay going using Pgroup?
Title: Re: Link 2 Guilds via 2 Bots?
Post by: Vain on October 17, 2008, 12:47:51 am
ok, I updated via svn and now the bot is no longer a guild bot.
It seams it has reverted to a raid bot. The bot starts and says:

[SETTINGS]     [SAVED] Set Pgname for module Relay to  Guest
[SETTINGS]     [SAVED] Set Gcname for module Relay to null
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