BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Noer on August 17, 2008, 03:02:11 pm
Just a heads up.
The item search webservice is down today while we are reconfiguring the network here at the hosting center.
Correct me if I'm wrong... or if in all my editing my bot behaves differently now...
but the bot doesn't actually listen in non-Guild channels as the notes says it does...
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "Trade");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "RegionAquilonia");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "RegionCimmeria");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "RegionStygia");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "Playfield");
should be:
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~Trade");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~RegionAquilonia");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~RegionCimmeria");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~RegionStygia");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~Playfield");
$this -> register_event("gmsg", "~NewbieHelp");