BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Praxi on July 09, 2008, 07:32:55 am
When I tell my bot that, I seem to get a blank page. Anyone else have this issue?
I have the same issue currently, I am using aoc chat to connect to it, so I thought that was the problem. But if your connected through the actual game then yeah I guess there is an issue with it.
Ya I was connected to the actual game client. I did the same thing at first, was trying the aoc chat program :) I did try the game client the next day though with the same results. I was going to try the !member add or !add member I saw posted in here somewhere else. I seem to be having a hard time finding the useable commands/administration stuff.
Same issue, so presumably it is bugged...
preferences in 0.5.0 was broken, aoc devs need to update to a later version of those files
Vrykolas is working his ass off updating everything to 0.5.2. Give him a little time and a nudge. :-)