BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: kardsen on July 12, 2008, 03:43:59 am
Whole module is complete. I just don't know how to keep the itemlink as 1 variable...
Right now when I use the command !supplies givei <itemlink>
all it appears to capture is <a
my current code looks like this.
I've also included the phps file so its easier to read
///////created by kardsen
//// thanks to Vrykolas for coding help, noer for the kos 4.x conversion, and the creator of the kos 4.x for the base code i am using/////////////
$supplies = new Supplies($bot);
class Supplies Extends BaseActiveModule
// load the varials////
var $bot;
var $gnsupplies_list; //guild needs supply list
var $momsupplies_list; // member offering materials supply list
var $moisupplies_list; // member offering item supply list
function __construct (&$bot)
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));
$this -> register_command('all', 'supplies', 'MEMBER', array('add' => 'LEADER', 'change' => 'LEADER', 'changem' => 'MEMBER', 'del' => 'LEADER', 'givei' => 'MEMBER', 'givem' => 'MEMBER', 'delmy' => 'MEMBER', 'delplayer' => 'LEADER'));
$this -> help['description'] = 'Needed Supplies List';
$this -> help['command']['supplies'] = "- Display supply list.";
$this -> help['command']['supplies add material amount reason'] = "- Add Material, amount and reason to supplies list.<br>";
$this -> help['command']['supplies givei itemlink'] = "- Advertise item to guild";
$this -> help['command']['supplies givem material amount'] = "- Advertise materials to guild with available amount.<br>";
$this -> help['command']['supplies change material amount'] = "- Changes Material amount.";
$this -> help['command']['supplies changem material amount'] = "- Changes Players offered Material amount.";
$this -> help['command']['supplies del material'] = "- Remove material from supply list.";
$this -> help['command']['supplies delmy material'] = "- Removes material listing by your character";
$this -> help['command']['supplies delplayer material playername'] = "- remove all listings by playername";
$this -> bot -> db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `supplies` (
`material` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`amount` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`addedby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`reason` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ,
`type` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
$this -> load_gnsupplies();
$this -> load_momsupplies();
$this -> load_moisupplies();
function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin)
$com = $this->parse_com($msg, array('com', 'sub', 'material', 'amount', 'reason'));
if('add' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> add_gnsupplies($name, $com['material'], $com['amount'], $com['reason']);
else if('change' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> change_gnsupplies($name, $com['material'], $com['amount']);
else if('changem' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> change_msupplies($name, $com['material'], $com['amount']);
else if('givei' == $com['sub'])
return $this -> giveitem_supplies($name, $com['material']);
else if('givem' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> givemat_supplies($name, $com['material'], $com['amount']);
else if('del' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> delete_gnsupplies($com['material']);
else if('delmy' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> delete_msupplies($name, $com['material']);
else if('delplayer' == strtolower($com['sub']))
return $this -> deleteplayer_supplies($com['material'], $com['amount']);
return $this -> show_supplies();
anyone kind enough to give this a go and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Minimal code change would be preferred as everything else works except the capture of the item link..
I'm not a coder, but I was playing with the guides module, had trouble with it, and noticed someone said they dorked up the </a>, read the 3rd party modules, and the thread about converted mods.
$this->parse_com splits on spaces, so I'd be inclined to use this...
return $this -> giveitem_supplies($name, $com['material'].' '.$com['amount'].' '.$com['reason']);
I took another approach that gave the same result.
also found
`material` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
was set to low. changed to 500 :)
I've verified it is parsing the whole string to the database. But when I try to list it in a blob, i only get
<a style=
when it should output
<a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref://3534520/3534520/50/be38a73e:db6fc1fd:4902ab4c:5bd2ddfa/be38a73e:db6fc1fd:4902ab4c:5bd2ddfa"><font color=html_link_color>[Cloak of Ibis]</font></a>
for example
$material = ($supplies['material']);
$name = ucfirst($supplies['name']);
$blob .= "\n'$material' (Offered By: $name)\n";
Ok, I believe the issue is I can't link a item into a blob... Looking at how the !items command works.
So my next option would be to do something similar to what it does.
Which sounds pretty flippin complicated.
I need to strip everything before [ and after ] in
<a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref://3534520/3534520/50/be38a73e:db6fc1fd:4902ab4c:5bd2ddfa/be38a73e:db6fc1fd:4902ab4c:5bd2ddfa"><font color=html_link_color>[Cloak of Ibis]</font></a>
Then turn the remaining [itemname] into a link into a /tell command to the bot.... that refers to the ID # of the item...
something like
/tell BOTNAME !supplies iteml 5
I could use help on how to strip the info listed above.. In the meantime I'm going to work on the new function !supplies iteml
Yeah, thats why I made the item lookup the way I did. itemrefs from popups doesn't work.
Working on the function to pull the link to put in chat...
so far I have
////// Function to link item available back to user/////////////////
function linkitem_supplies($material)
$id = $material;
if(!is_numeric($id) || (int) $id != (real) $id)
return 'Please check how to use this command';
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT material FROM supplies WHERE id = '$id'");
if (empty($result))
return "Item ID " . $id . " is not in my list";
$link = $result;
return $link;
If I send a valid ID to the function, it returns.
and nothing else....
:( Don't know where to go with this now.
And even after I fix this, I still have to figure out how to pull just the name out of the hyperlink to display it in a blob.
Figured out the linking of the item...
All I need to do is figure out how to pull on the itemname of the link to display it in the blob
////// Function to link item available back to user/////////////////
function linkitem_supplies($material)
$id = $material;
if(!is_numeric($id) || (int) $id != (real) $id)
return 'Please check how to use this command';
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT material FROM supplies WHERE id = '$id'");
if (empty($result))
return "Item ID " . $id . " is not in my list";
foreach ($result AS $row)
$link = $row[0];
return $link;
try using
$itemName = preg_replace('/<a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref://[^"]+"><font color=[^>]+>\[([^\]]+)\]</font></a>/', '\1', $itemLink);
I haven't tested this fully yet, but if the example link you gave above is accurate the regular expression should work, or return an empty string ("")
The example you gave me returned an error. along with an empty string
Darcness [TELL] [INC] Kardsen: !supplies
Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '/' in C:\AOC BOTS\TESTbebot\custom\modules\suppliesnew2.php on line 129
Darcness [TELL] [OUT] -> Kardsen: Supplies List :: [link]click to view[/link]
I replaced with
$itemName = preg_replace('/<a style=\"text-decoration:none\" href=\"itemref:\/\/[^"]+"><font color=[^>]+>\[([^\]]+)\]<\/font><\/a>/', '\1', $itemLink);
Now I don't get an error.... but I don't get any data for $itemName with
$blob .= "\n$id $itemName (Offered By: $name)\n";
Figured I post it here while I spend the next couple hours trying to figure out whats wrong with this piece :)
if this helps any..
foreach ($this -> moisupplies_list AS $supplies)
$itemName = preg_replace('/<a style=\"text-decoration:none\" href=\"itemref:\/\/[^"]+"><font color=[^>]+>\[([^\]]+)\]<\/font><\/a>/', '\1', $itemLink);
$id = $supplies['id'];
$name = ucfirst($supplies['addedby']);
$blob .= "\n$id $itemName (Offered By: $name)\n";
output is
3 (Offered By: Kardsen)
3 BladeCheater Tunic (Offered By: Kardsen)
Forgot $itemLink = $supplies['material'];
in the foreach statement.
Getting expected result of
3 BladeCheater Tunic (Offered By: Kardsen)
Hopefully I shouldn't have a problem making a link to a /tell command in the blob now.
.... just need to dig through the code for an example
Again Vrykolas, you rock.
I highly doubt I would have ever figured the base of
$itemName = preg_replace('/<a style=\"text-decoration:none\" href=\"itemref:\/\/[^"]+"><font color=[^>]+>\[([^\]]+)\]<\/font><\/a>/', '\1', $itemLink);