BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Delvar on November 28, 2008, 02:08:58 pm
I have the bot up and running, its just not seeing guild chat. I have it set as a guildbot. Anyone know what the problem could be? Thank you in advance.
What game? AoC or AO
And did you invite the player the bot access into the guild before starting the bot?
Im playing AoC, and yes Im a member of the guild. Let me add that all the commands work in tells, its when you do them in gc. I'v check and the channel is unlocked. When I type a command in gc its not showing anything in the consol either.
how can i make the bot to listen to the guild chat.
i can see people on and off bot the bot does not say anything.
i can send tells to Guildbot, and get him on the options. the feature of spam when people is on/off (or whatever is called in the options is set to ON)
and yes i already put tons of then as members of the bot.
please help. help.
EDIT > if i put (im the owner) !help or any !"command" the bot does not read it.
and yes he is in the guild highest rank possible (just below the GM)
are u useing 0.6.1 or later ? if not update ur BeBot to fix
Temar has helped me with the fix for this..
AoC has some issues with new members being added to guild. Many times new members can not talk in Guild Chat.
Please log on your Bot and make sure he can talk in guild chat. If not do all the normal fixes necessary in AOC to do so..
Some bug with GC i know about is this:
After invite and you have accepted it, you cant see or use GC.
To fix this, relog and add the tab. Type "/guildsay Blabla". If not work, relogg and try again. Remove any old guild tabs if exist.
Make sure you can read and write to GC before logoff and logon bot.
just relogging fixes it,a and u can use normal chat window after relog
But a note for Bot uses, you MUST relog your self as the bot logging in will not fix it