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Author Topic: Bebot Hyborian for Age of Conan FAQ  (Read 20714 times)

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Bebot Hyborian for Age of Conan FAQ
« on: July 03, 2008, 01:36:55 pm »
Q: What is required to run Bebot Hyborian?
A: Bebot requires PHP 5.2.x or later and MySQL 5.x or later to run. Operative System does not matter. I have made a PHP bundle package for Windows available here which contains the needed PHP files. Furthermore you need an active and paid game account for Age of Conan and a play character the bot can login as.

Q: How can I be sure that the bot does not contain malware etc?
A: You are free to read through the entire source code. And be sure to only download the bot from the official download site:
Please Note the Current Version Available on this Site is for AO and AoC and are much improved from the above download

Q: Is a dedicated game accounted required to run the bot?
A: No you can play the game on another character while the bot is logged in.

Q: I have a version of Bebot for Anarchy Online. Can I run Bebot Hyborian on top of that?
A: No you need to start from scratch with Bebot Hyborian. Meaning you need to have an empty database when you start the bot the first time. Due to some of the central database design had to be changed to handle AoC this is unfortunately necessary.

Q: Is it possible to read information from the "Guild Announcement"-channel and use?
A: Unfortunately the "Guild Announcement"-channel is only available for the game client at the moment. So we can not use it at all for the bot.

Q: Is it possible to make a module that does XXX?
A: It is possible to make a lot of things with the modules. You can relay latest forum-posts from your guild forum to the bot, make DKP available ingame, get latest weather from etc. It is mostly the imagination that sets the limit here and the coding skills. For module requests please use the Module request forum and for posting your modules please use the AoC modules forum. When uploading modules as attachments please rename the extension to .phps.

Q: I experienced a bug with the bot - how should I report it?
A: Please either submit an issue here or write a post in the Bebot AoC support forum.

Q: How does the item database module work? Can I get a local copy of it?
A: The item database module submits all the items it sees in guildchannel and on public channels it can access to a centrally stored item database. The only thing the central database stores is the item ID, hash, level requirement, name of item and the IP of the submitter. The IP is stored in order to track missuse of the service. The idea behind this module is the more Bebot's running the better an item database everyone gets. When you search for an item in the module it queries the central database and returns it to the bot. You are not able to download the item database locally as it would discourage people from collaborating for the central database.

Q: My server doesn't seem to be supported by Bebot. How can I connect to it?
A: Currently I don't have IPs on all the servers so I could use some help with the servers missing. Currently the following servers are missing in Bebot: Strix (french server), Bardisattva, Damballah, Hanuman, Scorge, Stormrage and Hyperborea (US servers). If you are trying to get Bebot online on any of these servers please contact me either by PM on these forums, by submitting an issue here or by posting in the Bebot AoC support forum so we can get it added to the source.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 05:41:39 am by Temar »


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