BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: Vrykolas on July 21, 2008, 08:19:34 pm

Title: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Vrykolas on July 21, 2008, 08:19:34 pm
A new version of BeBot Hyborian has been released with some of the features you have been requesting - support for !raid for one...

A word of warning however, whilst this fixes the afk status changes it may raise some issues in custom modules due to the way the buddy event handling has been modified - it now passes what has happened rather that the old 1/0 (see the example module for details).

If you have not updated for a while you may have problems with the SVN update due to a reset of SVN that came with the release of BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.  If this affects you, copy the settings from your conf folder then remove your bot folders, re-checkout the bot and re-edit the conf files.

Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: nhoople on July 22, 2008, 12:43:37 am
Not sure if points are working. Did a test raid, users joined, locked raid, awarded points to raid, checked points --> had 0 points, ended raid, checked points --> had 0 points.

Also tried out loot module.  Everything worked except for the add clicky for people to click in loot list. If you hover over it, it shows /tell <bot> !add <slot>, think it's supposed to be /tell <bot> !loot add <slot>.

I also tried using the !points give <name> <points> and then !points all, the people I had manually given points to did not show up in points list.  I even looked in the raid_points table in the mysql database and it was empty.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Vrykolas on July 22, 2008, 01:11:22 am
Not sure what's happening with the raid module - I'll look into it tomorrow.

The Loot module should now be fixed in SVN.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Temar on July 22, 2008, 01:52:24 am
Already Fixed in AO Version
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: nhoople on July 22, 2008, 02:03:31 am
In the news module there are two locations where raid needs to be changed to raids for the raids news to work, they are on line 88 and on line 124.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Vrykolas on July 22, 2008, 12:24:05 pm
Thanks for the info nhoople, there are fixes for the raid and news modules in SVN - I'll look at the !points give not adding later today.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: grasfer on July 22, 2008, 12:40:01 pm
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /home/gegbot/bebot/modules/Raid.php on line 433

With rev 11

Question: Is there anyway to turn off the 'You have no crafting information set and you are above level 40. Please use '!setcraft [class1] [class2]'. Classes can be Alchemist, Architect, Armorsmith, Gemcutter and Weaponsmith. If you havn't picked crafting classes yet this may be the time to do it.' spam users get when they have not set their crafting? Maybe add a NONE option.

Solution: settings craftclasses *thanks noer*
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Noer on July 22, 2008, 12:46:20 pm
Question: Is there anyway to turn off the 'You have no crafting information set and you are above level 40. Please use '!setcraft [class1] [class2]'. Classes can be Alchemist, Architect, Armorsmith, Gemcutter and Weaponsmith. If you havn't picked crafting classes yet this may be the time to do it.' spam users get when they have not set their crafting? Maybe add a NONE option.

In settings you can set "Remind" to false for the module and it wont send this message.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Vrykolas on July 22, 2008, 01:09:25 pm
you're right Grasfer - I accidentally deleted something before comitting..... should be corrected now
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: grasfer on July 22, 2008, 01:38:18 pm
you're right Grasfer - I accidentally deleted something before comitting..... should be corrected now

Works fine for me now, even tested creating a raid and stuff :)
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: durroch on July 22, 2008, 02:40:18 pm
Updated to newest release (13 I believe) and it seems to be working great :).  Although when I started up the bot I got a whole bunch of these lines:
Code: [Select]
Ivbot [2008-07-22 12:19:23]     [ERROR] [AOChatWrapper_Core]    I was unable to get the user id for user: 'Durroch'

Not really sure what it means heh.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: durroch on July 22, 2008, 03:15:27 pm
Also something else...not sure if it's me or but when I use svn update in lynix it gives this error:
Code: [Select]
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: No results returned from filesystem read operation.

Also when I tried to use TortoiseSVN to update my local copy it gave the same error.  So I'm guessing it's google code?
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Noer on July 22, 2008, 07:05:00 pm
As noted in earlier notes the repository was reset when the 0.5.2 code was applied. You need to checkout the code to a new directory and copy your configuration files over.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Organizer on July 22, 2008, 11:58:41 pm
Since I switched from r34 to r9 I'm again getting a similar error as I did with an earlier version of the bot, items are likely not checked against your database and registered, there is an error shown in the console...

Any ideas on what to do?

[GROUP]  [MSG]   [~Guild] Clauwy: anyone can use <a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref://3803484/3803484/60/71
0dfb0:ae545140:58d99879:58230ede/710dfb0:ae545140:58d99879:58230ede">[Kurbankohl's Anguish][/link]?

Warning: socket_connect(): unable to connect
 in G:\bebot\main\14_Tools.php on line 137
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Noer on July 23, 2008, 12:32:35 am
Can you try do do a "ping" from the server you have to bot on?
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Organizer on July 23, 2008, 01:45:24 am
Thanks for answer, I found the issue by the looks of it (did not test) but peerguardian running on the machine was blocking the IP below:

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Destination host unreachable.
Destination host unreachable.
Destination host unreachable.
Destination host unreachable.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: durroch on July 23, 2008, 03:49:23 am
As noted in earlier notes the repository was reset when the 0.5.2 code was applied. You need to checkout the code to a new directory and copy your configuration files over.
Doh, I'm an idiot.  Sorry to have taken up form space ><.

As for my other error listed above, does that mean anything?  Or is it harmless?
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: durroch on July 23, 2008, 04:09:18 am
I've figured out why I can't do "svn update" in linux.  It's after I do a fresh checkout and then copy the "conf" folder and "custom" folder back in.  After I do that, it won't let me do "svn update".  It gives the error:
svn: REPORT request failed on '/svn/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: No results returned from filesystem read operation.

Which sucks cause everytime there is another repository that comes out I have to delete the directory and check it out a fresh copy :-/.

Sorry, I've never worked with svn before but I found a solution.  Don't delete any of the directories.  Just copy the files themselves into the appropriate places.  If you delete the directories, you delete the directory ".svn" that's in each directory and that messes everything up.  Sorry again to have taken up forum space.
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Azrac on July 23, 2008, 11:09:51 am
I can confirm that you can't see points assigned.

I can assign them, the bot says they have been assigned, but they don't show up with !raid check.

Is there a way to schedule raids ?, if you start one early so people can sign up during the day, it will spam "Raid have been running for" all day ?
Also could be nice if you could schedule several raids ?
And is there a way to assign points to an individual and not to all ? (not important)

Also I cannot find a way to see raids that have ended, is this on purpose ?

Sorry to sound so demanding, but atm the module seems to support only joining raids made up here and now, where as raids in AOC usually takes a lot of planning and are schedules days in advance, if we can't have people sign up until 10 min before, we have no idea if we will get the classes we need or if enough will join.

Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Azrac on July 24, 2008, 10:17:47 pm
After looking around I found the !bid command and the !raids that lets you schedule.

unfortunately the raids scheduled just shows as a news item, not something that can be joined, viewed or anything else, meaning I don't get the point behind it, when I could just do a !news add Raid bla bla ??

Also !bid seems pointless since it asks for raid points, but I can find no way to assign points to people.

the points you get from individual raids (which don't show) makes no sense, since it's not linked to their previous dkp ??

I feel like im missing something here or that the !raid / !raids / !bid commands are incomplete/not working ?
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Vrykolas on July 25, 2008, 01:39:48 am
you get points by joining an active raid, if the raid leader uses !raid reward or you can use !points to add/remove/transfer points, there's also !loot for loot distribution
Title: Re: BeBot Hyborian 0.5.2.r9 is out
Post by: Organizer on July 30, 2008, 08:25:11 am
I'm unable to delete a single member from the buddylist, is it bugged? On the Whois there is a link called Remove from buddylist thats send the command !rembuddy <name> this is not recognized by the bot...

The buddylist only have one option, "clear" that delete all, I can't locate any way of deleting just one... maybe someone can shed a light on this? Thanks...

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