I want to run Bebot at my debian server..
The server programs are all newest versons..
so what do i do wrong?
I did all in the Readme file right I think, so where is my mistake?
In the treads I read on the forum I see you always say that I should start the command by:
Since i dont find this file I have used StartBot.php
I do this to get the message:
php StartBot.php
The outcome is:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /.../.../.../Main.php on line 205
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /.../.../.../Main.php on line 205
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /.../.../.../Main.php on line 205
The line repeat it self until I stop it..
Unless I write:
php Main.php
then it only show once.. but the prosess is still running (I have to Ctrl+Z to get the command line back).
This is probably something easy to fix but im an beginner to linux som i dont get it

Hope someone can give me a clue on what is wrong...