BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton
Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian support => Topic started by: tom929384600 on July 14, 2008, 07:16:16 pm
First of all i am new to bebot and till yet not even know hot to install it on my server, but anywhay first i need to know if i NEED to install bebot to realize following:
(sorry for my bad english)
1. We are playing AoC and there is the possibilty to make socalled "guild info links" into the chat. See here:
2. This worked fine the last weeks and everything is fine, BUT: if there are a lot of people in the chat channel and we want to post this script/guild info, then its blocked by the chat (they done this to prevent spam or too big guild infos when the channels are full)
3. for this case i would need following: a player who wants to see the above named guild info would send a !guildinfo to the botchar and the bot would send him the "guild info link" through a /tell
in this case the size of the guild info wouldnt matter because its just sent to one player and not the a hwole chat channel with hundreds of players.
I hope you understand what i need and you could help me!
It is 100% possible to realize because i have seen it sometime used by another guild, done the same. But i do not know till yet if i need Bebot for it or just a stand-alone module or whatever ... so i would very very apreciate step by step help.
Thanks you very much and if you got any question to my request ask .. i gonna answer as fast as possible!
Im very interested in this as well so im sad to see no replies to this.
Aint this possible ?, I know it was in AO :)
I believe this COULD be done through the guildes module.
You would need to set the access to annonymous though.
If you still need a specific module for this purpose... I guess I could create one.
Hello kardsen and thanks for the reply.
The issue is, if I set the access to anynomous, people would get access to all our guides, including kill strats, guild rules and so on.
Also, is it possible to set anonymous access to just 1 module/command and not to all ?
it is possible to setup permissions to 1 module or command.
but since all guides are queried upon the same keyword.. the permissions would be the same.
I'll see what I can do about whipping something up.
Please note that your guild info will still need to folow the same constraints of any script you us.. IE you can't post URLs in the blob, and most advanced html doesn't work..
General rule... If you put it in your scripts folder and it doesn't work.. It won't work on the bot.
Hello again.
Any help or rather module you could whip together would be much appriciated.
The reason I ask for it is twofold.
First, it makes updating the recruitment script easier, all officers can just link to it and update "live", not having to update on forum's, having people update local scripts and so on.
The second reason is that AOC limit Chat Lenght by amount of players in a channal, like AO did, so while sometimes a big recruitment script will show fine, a lot of the time it will give that "this is too long bla bla", and since busy zones is where the script is most useful, this is bad.
My plan is insted to send out a normal link that explains very shortly what we are after and then a "click here to find out more", this Click Here link will then send a "/tell botname !guildinfo" or whatever and get a link to our guilds recruitment script.
This solves both things at once, but it requires that I can give anyone access to /tell the bot.
All left to worry about it spam-killings, someone clicking the link a thousand times to kill the bot, but thats a worry for another day.
Again thanks for helping Kardsen, it's much appriciated
I'll post my guild recruitment script. I'm not too good at the settings and such, so things are hardcoded, but its relatively easy to setup. I don't have any way to announce guild popup to OOC, but people can ask the bot for guild info.
please see
The second reason is that AOC limit Chat Lenght by amount of players in a channal, like AO did, so while sometimes a big recruitment script will show fine, a lot of the time it will give that "this is too long bla bla", and since busy zones is where the script is most useful, this is bad.
My plan is insted to send out a normal link that explains very shortly what we are after and then a "click here to find out more", this Click Here link will then send a "/tell botname !guildinfo" or whatever and get a link to our guilds recruitment script.
THATS the same reason why i started this topic and REQUEST!
Kardsen, if you could help me/us to do exactly what is mentioned above it would be more then great - thanks!
But as a total noob of BeBot Hyboria i would also ask you kindly if you could tell me WHAT i would have to install on my server exactly and how or what i would have to condig or which module i would have to ad and how ... like a step by step thing, i would love you if you could do that! :)
Many thanks!
you may want to look at ( as that module does exactly what you ask
Hi Vrykolas!
Thx for the hint and link but as i read there its not realy doing it, but i gonna try it.
Anyway, why should Kardsen be so nice to offer us to code such module if there would be already one doing what we requested? ???
Kard started work on this module (thread regarding that here (, but, as Kard said on that thread "someone beat me(Kard) to making something better" so Kard has made good use of his time on other modules.
Oh ok ... thought this means he will make THIS (module) better (new) ... my english isnt that best .. so he wont do anything regarding this request ... right?