Thanks Vry for fixing my code, and to Noer for converting the original 4.x KOS module
This module allows the person in charge of managing guild materials to allow the guild to query what materials are needed and for what purpose
IF YOU HAVE USED MY OLD SUPPLIES MODULE (Rev 3 or older). PLEASE PUT THE runmeonce.php file in the modules directory for the next bot load.. then remove it
it deletes the old DB!supplies =====Display supply list.
!supplies add <material> <amount> <reason> =====Add Material, amount and reason to supplies list.
!supplies givei <itemlink> =====Advertise item to guild";
!supplies givem <material> <amount> =====Advertise materials to guild with available amount.
!supplies change <material> <amount> =====Changes Material amount.
!supplies changemy <material> <amount> =====Changes Players offered Material amount.
!supplies del <material> =====Remove material from supply list.
!supplies delmy <material>=====Removes material or item listing by your character
!supplies delplayer <playername> =====remove all listings by playername
Rev1 07/08 Now has option to change material amount
Rev2 07/10 Gave the ability to deny add/change/del commands to only certain group members via the !commands all menu.
Rev3 07/11 Changed default permissions from ADMIN to MEMBER.
Rev4 07/12 Added Features for members to add items and materials available to others.
Rev5 07/13 Fixed error in the !supplies player <playername> command
It should now properly delete the character you are referring to instead of your own.
Rev5a 7/15 Removed reference to kooopatroopa

Rev6 7/17 Added Advertisement of supplies needed every hour. This is changeable on line 47 of the code ( $this -> register_event('cron', '1hour'); )
if you like to use minutes it would like like $this -> register_event('cron', '15min');
You can change the permissions per command by running
/tell BOTNAME !commands subs supplies