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Author Topic: Script popup Module addon.  (Read 7637 times)

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Offline kelmino

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Script popup Module addon.
« on: July 04, 2008, 05:31:52 pm »
Another feature that I would love to ee in this mod.

The ability to request certain script popups from the bot.  This is currently an addon on the bot that our guild is currently using, but This bot seems to have alot more features, and seems to have a bigger community following then the other bot.

The scripts could be saved to a specific folder on the bot, and whenever a new script file is added to the folder so the addition of new bots would make it easy by just adding a new file in that folder.

Basically what I would like to see is.

/tell bot scripts
-  The bot would send a list of scripts that are avaible.
/tell bot script "scriptname"
-  The bot would then send the script to the user via a tell

In guild chat.
- bot would then link a list of the currentl scripts that are avalable
!script "Scriptname"
-  Bot would then link the script in guild chat so anyone could click on it.

Uses for this bot?
!script crafters
-  would then link a popup that would list the master crafters of each profession.

!scipt dkp
-  Would list the current DKP for the members in the guild

!script events
-  Would list events that are scheduled the guild which could include guild wide RP events, pvp tourny's, server wide sponsered events, etc...

!script raid
-  Could list the current raid schedule, and members/classes who are scheduled to attend the raid.

of course there are other uses for this mod, but those are just a few to name.

here is a link to the other mod, but I believe it as written in perl, I'm not sure how easy it would be to convert this over to php.
I requested it for that bot a while ago, and someone replied a few days later with the exact mod.

Offline grasfer

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Re: Script popup Module addon.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 02:28:22 pm »
You could kinda use the guides module for this sort of :) Just needs some renaming etc if you use a guides addon allready.

Offline kelmino

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Re: Script popup Module addon.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 01:57:25 pm »
yeah I actually did that.  I renamed everything in the guide.php file to script.  Everything works now  :)

I didn't want to release it since well it's an exact copy of the guide module except the word guide is changed to script in the entire file.


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