BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => BeBot Hyborian modules => Topic started by: kelmino on August 07, 2008, 01:17:51 am

Title: Script module
Post by: kelmino on August 07, 2008, 01:17:51 am
This is a module to display scripts in guild chat or via tells.

This mod is just a modified copy of the guides script located here

from the readme included with the files

Extract both folders to your BeBot Hyborian folder.

The script folder is where you place your scripts at.

Each script must be in .txt format.

I included 2 example scripts as well as an example script list in a
folder called "Example scripts" in the script folder so you can see the
format that it needs to be in.  This also gives a few examples as to what it can be used for.


1 - In order to keep your scripts looking nice I suggest opening them up in wordpad if you use windows.
Opening them up in wordpad will keep the formatting.  If you open them in the default notepad the
formatting does not stay, and it will look like a jumbled mess once you close them out.  You can set
it so wordpad opens .txt files by default so you don't forget when editing scripts. 
To do this right click on any .txt file. 
Go to open with. 
go to Choose Program. 
Choose Wordpad. 
check the box that says to "Always use this program to open this kind of file". 
That way wordpad will always open when you edit your scripts.

2 - Setting up Comalias
I have comalias set up for my scripts, an example of one I have is so people can now type !kos instead
of !script kos to get a list of our guild's diplomacy list.  !crafters would replace !script crafters.

To set these up you would type !comalias add <alias> <command>
from the examples I used above..
!comalias add kos script kos
!xomalias add crafters script crafters
remember if you forget a command type !help comalias for all the comalias commands

If you have any questions feel free to ask away, But don't count on me adding features since I know nothing about writing modules, and just edited the original guides.php for my liking.

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Veloraptor on August 07, 2008, 12:49:40 pm
this works great, thx for the hard work both of u  :o ;)

iam sure people will see this as a major improvement ontop of the bot, being able to use scripts from aoc, so people like me who dont got a clue about php is ackly still able to create custom scripts for the bot.

u should consider uploading this addition on
or atleast bebot should make some kind of "news" at cursed for the bot, it works great ;) (got v5.2 working after some problems with php... "got the php from insted of the php packet which turned out to be a bunch of errors")

oh well keep up the great work guys :)
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: jimango on February 15, 2009, 10:09:35 am
Is this mod possible to use in 6.x version?
If so, how do i install it?

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: xdave78 on February 15, 2009, 10:54:05 am
Yes it works.
Just pit the SCripts Folder in your BeBot root an the scripts.php into /custom/modues
Then take a script in .txt fileform an put it into the Scripts folder - eg one of the examples.
Restart bot and call a script with !scripts scriptname.
If you dont want to always have to write the whole thing use comalias as described above.

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: jimango on February 15, 2009, 11:23:54 am
This i have done, but still it doesnt find the scripts i put in, not even the examples scripts that i moved from the example folder to the script folder (thats now in root)

is there any thing i need to do to activate the scripts other then !restart?

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Wizhk on February 15, 2009, 11:39:37 am
Did you do !script <name of script>?

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: jimango on February 15, 2009, 11:45:10 am
i tried the following commands:

!script kos.txt
!scripts kos.txt

!script kos
!scripts kos

"kos" is the example script that i moved up one folder to the Scripts folder thats now in root bot folder

all i get is the default message that it cant find script..

when i try to get list of scripts it do not find anything...

the files are like this:

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: xdave78 on February 15, 2009, 12:20:52 pm
did you restart the bot?
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: jimango on February 15, 2009, 12:34:33 pm
yes, i did, but that did not help..

i did change the capital "S" in Scripts folder to small "s"
that seemed to do the trick ;)

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Sabcoll on March 10, 2009, 11:33:19 am
Is it possible to make it post the script in global chat?
I would appreciate that :-)

I mean ... i want to type, for example

/tell mybotsname !script gilde

and my Bot posts the specified script into the global chat!
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Alreadythere on March 10, 2009, 03:49:02 pm
Bots should never put any output to a public channel. That's the fastest way to get a bot banned. It's one of the few ponts FC doesn't tolerate. In AO there have been instances of spamming by bots, which annoyed too many players.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Sabcoll on March 10, 2009, 06:27:11 pm
Well i dont want the Bot to spam the channels,
i simply want to enter
!scripts --> klick on one of my scripts --> it gets postet in a channel i told the bot in the script or anywhere else ...

For example: !scripts -> i klick on one of my scripts --> it gets postet in grp channel (or raid channel, or guild channel or EVEN public channel)
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Alreadythere on March 10, 2009, 07:24:18 pm
Let me clarify my point a bit:

Any function to offer easy posting on public channels can be exploited for spamming. And FC may decide not only to ban the account on which the spamming bot is on, but forbid all chatbots. Sure, this is a worst case scenario, but strictly going by the EULA even chatbots are forbidden.

For this simple reason I won't ever put any function to output chat to public channels into any bebot release. Even if it's basically a simple extension of AOChat.php, at least with some knowledge of the chat protocol.

This is in no way pointed at you, it's about the potential.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Monk4y on July 15, 2009, 01:09:59 pm
are there any plans to update this module for the new bebote release, I seem to be getting lots of errors while using it in its current state.

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Kyr on October 14, 2009, 10:19:17 pm
here's a script I made for how to get keyed for BRC.  enjoy!
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Poonjab on November 20, 2009, 03:02:47 am
I can't get this module to work right...  It finds the script.lst file and reflects changes I make to the file, but it can't seem to find any actual txt files I put in the folder.

Any ideas?

Edit: OK, I got it working now, but it's not quite what I'm looking for, but a start.  I'll see what I can do with it.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Isime on March 26, 2010, 04:43:21 pm
I am also having trouble with this.

In game I use the /tell botname !scripts kos.txt
and the response i get is /tell botname !help

I changed the script folder from capital S to lower case s and that didn't work.
I did however notice when I start the bot and when the modules load up I see the programming of the script file show up.  Is that normal?

Here is where i put the files.


are all in the same directory

Do I need to modify anything in the script.1st file?

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Drizzurdeen on March 26, 2010, 05:16:10 pm
hmmm just try .... !scripts kos

u should use the name of the scripts without .txt only use the name

hope this helps
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Kyr on March 26, 2010, 07:00:08 pm
I did however notice when I start the bot and when the modules load up I see the programming of the script file show up.  Is that normal?

No this is not normal.  Might be a misplaced character at the start of the script.php file.  Try DL it again.  If that doesn't help.   Attach the file here and/or paste some of what is shown on start up.  It may be recorded in a log file.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Isime on March 26, 2010, 09:38:43 pm

I was able to get the module to work.  the Script.php file has a typo on the 1st line.

it reads <?
and I made is <?PHP

and the module loaded and worked.. now when I use the script in AOC game people click the script but I am seeing the BOT show "I only listed to members of this bot" or something of that sort..

Being I am a member it works for me just fine, but it doesn't for anyone else outside of guild.

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Kyr on March 27, 2010, 06:49:13 pm
Interesting, works fine for me with <?.

Thanks for posting the solution.

Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Nysom on May 23, 2010, 12:56:24 am
Where / how do I add in what scripts are listed? When I type !scripts there are none listed.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Khalem on May 23, 2010, 01:12:32 pm
Interesting, works fine for me with <?.

Thanks for posting the solution.


As a general rule, always use <?php  as allowing <? only is not ensured to be enabled on the system.
This is controlled by the short_open_tag php config directive.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: Kyr on May 27, 2010, 05:28:04 am
ahh, good to know, thanks.
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: dragonjr on September 04, 2010, 10:30:38 pm
i cant seem to get the mod for the scripts ive tried opening it with notepad++ and it came up with some jiberish that i couldnt understand bow do i open it and down load it to get it to get it to work. any help would be great
Title: Re: Script module
Post by: dragonjr on November 08, 2010, 01:49:06 pm
nvm i i got the mod to work but now when i add things to the list i run into a issue that when i get to a certin point in adding to the list i save and then i do !scripts i dont see the one i just put in there or it will say 10.<a
So how do i fix this ?
the other issue is when i can get the link to work the script is showing the some of the coding but if i just type in the script normal the coding is fine how do i fix this as well.
thanks for all the help
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