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Author Topic: Roster view with alts  (Read 13296 times)

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Offline kelmino

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Roster view with alts
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:32:51 am »
Is there any way to get a list of the guild roster and alts that are set up in the game via a command?

Perhaps so it can even look similar to the guild list in the game, but with alts listed.

Maybe have it look something like this.

Name  |  Class
Alt  |  Class
Alt  |  Class

Name  |  Class
Alt  |  Class
Alt  |  Class

or like this in game..

Code: [Select]
John - Lvl 80 Guardian
     Jerry - Lvl 80 Tempest of Set
     Jimmy - Lvl 80 Bear Shaman

Todd - Lvl 80 Barbarian
     Timmy - Lvl 80 Bear Shaman
     Tim - Lvl 25 Demonologist

Where John would be the main for Jerry and Jimmy and Todd would be the main for Timmy and Tim.  Obviously this would have to pull from the database in the same way the !online command does so people can just do !alts add <altname> and would not have to do any new commands.

Any possible way someone could write this up? or is this already in the bot somehow that I have noticed?

Offline saik0

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Re: Roster view with alts
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2008, 06:47:28 am »
This would be possible to do by doing a Join on the users, alts, and whois tables. Bebot hyborian is at some point going to have to re-think how it stores member data. In AO there was XML and the whois info was only a cache. Now getting any level and class info requires that toon to be in the cache. I'm thinking the best way to get this is to modify the Roster and Whois core/modules to store the toon data in the user table and have that info updated on login and when the xml is parsed. It would be merge friendly and would probably eliminate the need for the whois-cache, but allow us to keep it around until we update all the modules accordingly.


Offline Rekkx

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Re: Roster view with alts
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 12:27:40 pm »
I was just about to ask if this could be implemented. It would be a really useful addition to the bot.

Would someone be willing to take this module on or point myself in the right direction?

(Sorry for resurrecting this post, but it seems silly start a new thread for the same idea.)


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