Archive > BeBot Hyborian modules

Last seen location - coordinate mapping?


I notice there is a "location" id on whois table. After a bit of examining, I can tell that it is getting updated and that when multiple players are in the same proximity to each other (in-game), they all have the same location value in their whois record.

I've search the internet looking for a lookup list, but I've not found what I am looking for.  Is there a way to determine information about map name/map location from the location integer value in the whois table?

This is for AoC?

If so, whenever someone is entering a zone as first one a Instance ID is generated. This ID is counting up and dont have anything todo with the current instance you enter.
Ex: 102334 = Kesh, 102335 = Whitesands because one person entered Kesh before someone entered Whitesands right after a server restart.

Ofc you can translate 102334 = Kesh as long this instance is open, but whenever that instance is empty and get deleted/resetted you get another Instance ID for that zone/instance.

The only stuff i use Instance ID for is when determing whoes inside our raidinstance at anytime during a raid/siege. So its easier to punish slackers for not being on time etc:P


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