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KOS Module w/ Guild KOS

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Do as it the message say, learn how to use the command :P

--- Quote ---kos gadd <guildname> : <reason> - Add Guild to Kill on Sight list with reason.  You need to add the : between the guild name and reason.  This is due to spacing in the guild names and the only workaround I know.
--- End quote ---

1st of all thank you for all the time you spend on this ...

I installed everything as said in previous post, and i can see the KOS.php load without errors.
i also used the !commands subs kos, which works also , i can change buy presing the ABRIVIATIONS A, L,M etz...


I am the owner, no matter what i chooses in the commands subs kos...
Member, Admin, Superadmin, OWNER...

I get always when trying to add YOUR ACCES LVL MUST BE.....

Anybody any clue what iam doing wrong!

Hi Guys,

This is my first Try to mod something.
All works fine except the Kos List.
It only shows the Friendly Guilds and Members.

Here is the Code.

--- Code: --- <?

$kos = new Kos($bot);

class Kos Extends BaseActiveModule
var $bot;
var $pkos_list;
var $gkos_list;

function __construct (&$bot)
parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));

$this -> register_command("all", "kos", "MEMBER", array('padd' => 'MEMBER', 'gadd' => 'MEMBER', 'pdel' => 'MEMBER', 'gdel' => 'MEMBER'));

$this -> help['description'] = 'Kill On Sight/n created by Kardsen US-Bane';
$this -> help['command']['kos'] = "- Display Kill on Sight list.";
$this -> help['command']['kos padd <playername> <reason>'] = "- Add name to Kill on Sight list with reason.";
$this -> help['command']['kos gadd <guildname> : <reason>'] = "- Add Guild to Kill on Sight list with reason.  You need to add the : between the guild name and reason.  This is due to spacing in the guild names and the only workaround I know.";
$this -> help['command']['kos fpadd <playername> <reason>'] = "- Add name to Guild Friend List with reason.";
$this -> help['command']['kos fgadd <guildname> : <reason>'] = "- Add Guild to Guild Friend List with reason.  You need to add the : between the guild name and reason.  This is due to spacing in the guild names and the only workaround I know.";
$this -> help['command']['kos pdel name'] = "- Remove Player from Kill on Sight list.";
$this -> help['command']['kos gdel guild'] = "- Remove Guild from Kill on Sight list.";
$this -> help['command']['kos fpdel name'] = "- Remove Player from Guild Friend List.";
$this -> help['command']['kos fgdel guild'] = "- Remove Guild from Guild Friend List.";

$this -> bot -> db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `koslist` (
`player` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`addedby` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`reason` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ,
`type` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
$this -> load_pkos();
$this -> load_gkos();
$this -> load_fpkos();
$this -> load_fgkos();


function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin)
if (preg_match("/^kos$/i", $msg))
                        return $this -> show_kos();
                else if (preg_match("/^kos pdel (.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> delete_pkos($info[1]);
else if (preg_match("/^kos gdel (.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> delete_gkos($info[1]);
                else if (preg_match("/^kos fpdel (.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> delete_fpkos($info[1]);
else if (preg_match("/^kos fgdel (.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> delete_fgkos($info[1]);
                else if (preg_match("/^kos padd (([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z])+)(.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> add_pkos($name, $info[1], $info[3]);
                else if (preg_match("/^kos gadd (([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]| )+):(.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> add_gkos($name, $info[1], $info[3]);
                else if (preg_match("/^kos fpadd (([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z])+)(.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> add_fpkos($name, $info[1], $info[3]);
                else if (preg_match("/^kos fgadd (([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]| )+):(.*)$/i", $msg, $info))
                        return $this -> add_fgkos($name, $info[1], $info[3]);
else    return "Learn how to use the command. See !help kos";


function show_kos()
if (empty($this -> pkos_list))
if (empty($this -> gkos_list))
return "KoS is empty.";

$blob = "<font color='SILVER' face='hyborianlarge'>:: Kill on Sight Guilds ::</font>\n";
foreach ($this -> gkos_list AS $gkos)
$guild = ucfirst($gkos['guild']);
empty($gkos['reason']) ? $reason = "none" : $reason = $gkos['reason'];
$blob .= "\n<font color='#FF0000'>$guild</font>   (reason $reason)\n";


$blob .= "\n\n<font color='SILVER' face='hyborianlarge'>:: Kill on Sight Players ::</font>\n";
foreach ($this -> pkos_list AS $pkos)
$player = ucfirst($pkos['player']);
$whois = "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> !whois $player'>whois</a>";
$online = "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> !is $player'>online?</a>";
$blob .= "\n<font color='#FF0000'>$player</font>    ($whois)  ($online)";
empty($pkos['reason']) ? $reason = "none" : $reason = $pkos['reason'];
$blob .= "\n    --(reason: $reason)\n";

$blob = "\n\n\n<font color='SILVER' face='hyborianlarge'>:: Friendly Guilds ::</font>\n";
foreach ($this -> fgkos_list AS $fgkos)
$guild = ucfirst($fgkos['fguild']);
empty($fgkos['reason']) ? $reason = "none" : $reason = $fgkos['reason'];
$blob .= "\n<font color='#FF0000'>$guild</font>   (reason $reason)\n";


$blob .= "\n\n\n\n<font color='SILVER' face='hyborianlarge'>:: Friendly Players ::</font>\n";
foreach ($this -> fpkos_list AS $fpkos)
$player = ucfirst($pkos['fplayer']);
$whois = "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> !whois $player'>whois</a>";
$online = "<a href='chatcmd:///tell <botname> !is $player'>online?</a>";
$blob .= "\n<font color='#FF0000'>$player</font>    ($whois)  ($online)";
empty($fpkos['reason']) ? $reason = "none" : $reason = $fpkos['reason'];
$blob .= "\n    --(reason: $reason)\n";

return "Kill on Sight :: " . $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("click to view", $blob);

function add_pkos($name, $player, $reason)
$player = strtolower($player);
$id = $this -> bot -> aoc -> get_uid($player);
if (empty($id))
return "Player " . ucfirst($player) . " does not exist.";
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'playerkos'");
if (!empty($result))
return ucfirst($player) . " is already on Kill on Sight.";
$reason = trim($reason);
$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO koslist (player, addedby, reason, type) VALUES ('$player', '$name', '$reason', 'playerkos')");
$this -> load_pkos();
return ucfirst($player) . " was added to Kill on Sight.";

function add_gkos($name, $guild, $reason)
$guild = strtolower($guild);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'guildkos'");
if (!empty($result))
return ucfirst($guild) . " is already on Guild Kill list.";
$reason = trim($reason);
$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO koslist (player, addedby, reason, type) VALUES ('$guild', '$name', '$reason', 'guildkos')");
$this -> load_gkos();
return ucfirst($guild) . " was added to Kill on Sight.";

function add_fpkos($name, $player, $reason)
$player = strtolower($player);
$id = $this -> bot -> aoc -> get_uid($player);
if (empty($id))
return "Player " . ucfirst($player) . " does not exist.";
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'fplayerkos'");
if (!empty($result))
return ucfirst($player) . " is already on Kill on Sight.";
$reason = trim($reason);
$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO koslist (player, addedby, reason, type) VALUES ('$player', '$name', '$reason', 'fplayerkos')");
$this -> load_fpkos();
return ucfirst($player) . " was added to Kill on Sight.";

function add_fgkos($name, $guild, $reason)
$guild = strtolower($guild);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'fguildkos'");
if (!empty($result))
return ucfirst($guild) . " is already on Guild Kill list.";
$reason = trim($reason);
$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO koslist (player, addedby, reason, type) VALUES ('$guild', '$name', '$reason', 'fguildkos')");
$this -> load_fgkos();
return ucfirst($guild) . " was added to Kill on Sight.";

function delete_pkos($player)
$player = strtolower($player);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'playerkos'");
if (empty($result))
return ucfirst($player) . " is not on Kill on Sight.";
$this -> bot -> db -> query("DELETE FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'playerkos'");
$this -> load_pkos();
return ucfirst($player) . " was removed from Kill on Sight.";

function delete_gkos($guild)
$guild = strtolower($guild);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'guildkos'");
if (empty($result))
return ucfirst($guild) . " is not on Kill on Sight.";
$this -> bot -> db -> query("DELETE FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'guildkos'");
$this -> load_gkos();
return ucfirst($guild) . " was removed from Kill on Sight.";

function delete_fpkos($player)
$player = strtolower($player);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'fplayerkos'");
if (empty($result))
return ucfirst($player) . " is not on Kill on Sight.";
$this -> bot -> db -> query("DELETE FROM koslist WHERE player = '$player' AND type = 'fplayerkos'");
$this -> load_fpkos();
return ucfirst($player) . " was removed from Kill on Sight.";

function delete_fgkos($guild)
$guild = strtolower($guild);
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'fguildkos'");
if (empty($result))
return ucfirst($guild) . " is not on Kill on Sight.";
$this -> bot -> db -> query("DELETE FROM koslist WHERE player = '$guild' AND type = 'fguildkos'");
$this -> load_fgkos();
return ucfirst($guild) . " was removed from Kill on Sight.";
function load_pkos()
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE type = 'playerkos' ORDER BY player ASC");
if (!empty($result))
$a = array();
foreach ($result AS $row)
$a[] = array('player' => $row[1], 'addedby' => $row[2], 'reason' => $row[3], 'type' => $row[4]);
$this -> pkos_list = $a;
$this -> pkos_list = array();

function load_gkos()
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE type = 'guildkos' ORDER BY player ASC");
if (!empty($result))
$b = array();
foreach ($result AS $row)
$b[] = array('guild' => $row[1], 'addedby' => $row[2], 'reason' => $row[3], 'type' => $row[4]);
$this -> gkos_list = $b;
$this -> gkos_list = array();

function load_fpkos()
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE type = 'fplayerkos' ORDER BY player ASC");
if (!empty($result))
$a = array();
foreach ($result AS $row)
$a[] = array('player' => $row[1], 'addedby' => $row[2], 'reason' => $row[3], 'type' => $row[4]);
$this -> fpkos_list = $a;
$this -> fpkos_list = array();

function load_fgkos()
$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT * FROM koslist WHERE type = 'fguildkos' ORDER BY player ASC");
if (!empty($result))
$b = array();
foreach ($result AS $row)
$b[] = array('guild' => $row[1], 'addedby' => $row[2], 'reason' => $row[3], 'type' => $row[4]);
$this -> fgkos_list = $b;
$this -> fgkos_list = array();

--- End code ---

maybe someone can help me.

And there is a little bug in the Whois file.
with the #___ u set it the Botname.koslist, but in the header u set the DB only to koslist.

Old part

--- Code: ---$blname = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT player FROM #___koslist WHERE player = '". $name . "'");
--- End code ---

New part

--- Code: ---$blname = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT player FROM koslist WHERE player = '". $name . "'");
--- End code ---

Push :D


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