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Author Topic: Guild Recruitment  (Read 74668 times)

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Offline kaeus

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Guild Recruitment
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:01:47 pm »
Well, seeing as I like the feature to show class distribution and members in a guild, I figured I'd use these to show possible recruits.

To edit guild info, you need to edit the info() function. Formatting can be changed at the top, or manually done with font commands.  I left my guild's info in there as an example.

Simply tell users to send a tell to the bot with '!ginfo'.

Also supports commands '!ginfo members' to get a member list (member list of the bot) and '!ginfo classes' to get a class distribution. These can be used within the info class like this:
<a href='chatcmd:///tell kbot !ginfo members'>List of Members</a>

Possible Updates:
-Pulling guild info from a txt file much like guides.
-Looking to possibly finish the '!recruit' command to post a recruitment link in OOC.

Offline madrulf

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2008, 10:13:14 pm »
I have a script similar. I disabled all the guest functions in the bot since AOC doesn't support chatrooms the same way as AO did. Created a new !apply command that people can type to add themselves as a guest, and modified the messages sent to the user. A notice is made in the guild channel that someone has applied, and the guild channel is reminded every 20 minutes until the applicant is removed or is promoted to member (by speaking in guild chat by the autoadduser script generally). I can post it tonight after work, but I'd have to clean it up some as it has my guild's name and whatnot hardcoded.

I'm waiting for someone to discover how to have the bot itself send guild invitations so that I can let any member invite applicants without needing Guild Invitation powers (as it unfortunately always comes with Kick and other abilities). Though, I'm sure I've read somewhere that those commands aren't a part of the chat server.  :-\
Bear Shaman Forever.

Offline Vrykolas

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2008, 11:56:31 pm »
Sadly I can confirm that the bot can't invite to guild as that is handled by the game client and not the chat server :(

Offline madrulf

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 03:31:04 am »
That's the thing, I saw something about Age of Conan running 3 servers for every realm. One is the game server, another is the chat server and then the third is like a community/interaction server. If you noticed how sometimes you can't join parties or see that you're in a guild, and guild members do not appear on your friends list -- this is a case where that community server has crashed. Whatever this server may be called, I'm dubbing it a 'community' server for the sake of this conversation. The point is: the community server handles guild and party related functions.

While hunting down a PHP bot over a week ago before Noer got this all working with a modified BeBot, I was looking at some of the other threads on both US and EU forums. I recall reading somewhere that another dev managed to connect to both the chat server and this community server with one toon, while still playing with a different toon on the same account. Now I don't know what sort of bot that was or even if it was at the bot stage at all. I wonder if it would even be worth it for anyone in this community to try to create a second connection in the same PHP bot to manage both chat and guild functions. Sounds like a lot of work, and sadly I'm more of a scripter than a developer.

This really is off discussion though, and probably belongs in another thread.  :D
Bear Shaman Forever.

Offline kaeus

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 05:54:14 am »
Would that be similar to a dimension, or is that off too?

Offline kardsen

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2008, 07:13:27 am »
Look up  AOC CHAT.   It is a out of game chat program,  as far as I am aware it does not connect to the game server.  yet I am able to send  /guild invite PLAYER  commands to it and it accepts them.

So someone out there has figured out how to get around this.

And yes, I can connect using AOC CHAT on one character. and play on another.  :)

Offline Noer

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2008, 10:02:55 am »
There is currently research being done on how to communicate with the community/dimension server. However its a lot more dodgy than connecting to the chat server and we have no idea how Funcom is gonna react to it.

Offline Vain

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2008, 01:40:01 am »
The source for AOC chat is availalbe. I tried to take a peak but my version of Visual Studio is an older version than the one it was created in...  :(

I notice AOC chat can chat via tells and:
PlayField = /ooc

« Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 01:44:11 am by Vain »

Offline Noer

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2008, 01:48:13 am »
The source for AOC chat is availalbe. I tried to take a peak but my version of Visual Studio is an older version than the one it was created in...  :(

I notice AOC chat can chat via tells and:
PlayField = /ooc

AOC Chat can doing more, nothing less than what BeBot and AOChat can. Its the same protocols they use.

Offline kardsen

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2008, 02:56:12 am »
with that said, the bot if ranked high enough in the guild should be able to send a /guild invite command.  :o

Offline Vain

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2008, 08:56:47 am »
with that said, the bot if ranked high enough in the guild should be able to send a /guild invite command.  :o

ok, what would i needto change to get the bot to advertise for guild recruitment in ooc chat say every 1.5 hours?

Offline Vhab

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2008, 09:12:35 am »
with that said, the bot if ranked high enough in the guild should be able to send a /guild invite command.  :o

ok, what would i needto change to get the bot to advertise for guild recruitment in ooc chat say every 1.5 hours?

Don't do it. Public channels are holy and getting your bot to use them is the first step to getting banned.
I know I'll personally petition all bots I see making use of the public channels.

Offline Vain

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2008, 09:46:04 am »
with that said, the bot if ranked high enough in the guild should be able to send a /guild invite command.  :o

ok, what would i needto change to get the bot to advertise for guild recruitment in ooc chat say every 1.5 hours?

Don't do it. Public channels are holy and getting your bot to use them is the first step to getting banned.
I know I'll personally petition all bots I see making use of the public channels.

ok, i wasnt aware of the holyness  ;D
I wont.

Offline kaeus

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2008, 08:26:00 pm »
Why would having my bot say something I would say be bad?  Even if I have to manually type the command to get the bot to say it.  I dont see the logic in it being sacred.  Either I tell people to ask the bot, or it just posts guild info itself like I would have done.  I dont see a problem if there is no automated timer.

Offline GBH

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Re: Guild Recruitment
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2008, 09:49:26 pm »
For those of us long in the tooth and having used bots for years in Anarchy Online it was the #1 rule which FC never spoke of.

Never, ever use a bot to mass tell/message/talk on any channel ever. There were work-arounds for mass announce bots which were purely subscription and even those, on occasion, were banned for spam.

As bot owners we HAVE to be very careful and responsible in running these bots. It is only because FC decide to turn a blind eye that we are allowed to use them at all. Anything that would likely lead to trouble must be avoided or we risk jeopardising all the bots, not just Bebot.

As I believe Vhab once mentioned, FC could disable all the bots in existence with a tiny change to the protocol in such a way that we could never use bots. Take the advice of someone as experienced and knowledgeable as Vhab on whats a good idea and what isn't - he might not like to boast about it, but he probably knows as much about bots and FC's tolerances as anyone - if not more than most people every will.



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