Archive > BeBot Hyborian modules

Guild Recruitment

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Look up  AOC CHAT.   It is a out of game chat program,  as far as I am aware it does not connect to the game server.  yet I am able to send  /guild invite PLAYER  commands to it and it accepts them.

So someone out there has figured out how to get around this.

And yes, I can connect using AOC CHAT on one character. and play on another.  :)

There is currently research being done on how to communicate with the community/dimension server. However its a lot more dodgy than connecting to the chat server and we have no idea how Funcom is gonna react to it.

The source for AOC chat is availalbe. I tried to take a peak but my version of Visual Studio is an older version than the one it was created in...  :(

I notice AOC chat can chat via tells and:
PlayField = /ooc


--- Quote from: Vain on July 19, 2008, 01:40:01 am ---The source for AOC chat is availalbe. I tried to take a peak but my version of Visual Studio is an older version than the one it was created in...  :(

I notice AOC chat can chat via tells and:
PlayField = /ooc

--- End quote ---

AOC Chat can doing more, nothing less than what BeBot and AOChat can. Its the same protocols they use.

with that said, the bot if ranked high enough in the guild should be able to send a /guild invite command.  :o


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