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Author Topic: Away notices  (Read 6822 times)

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Offline Azrac

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Away notices
« on: August 15, 2008, 04:54:45 pm »
Not sure if this is possible but here goes.

I would like a guildy to be able to do set away time ingame, which can then be seen either with an away command or with whois.

Here's how I envision it.

!away FromDate ToDate Reason, i.e !away 15.08 20.08 Vacation (sets when you are away and why)
!away Show  (shows who is away with dates/reasons)
!away cancel (cancel's your away notice)
!away admin (This should show when people MADE their away notice, so people don't try to "cheat" and make an away notice in the past to cover for absence)

The use of this is our course to both make it easier to kick inactives without having to search through an entire away forum, but also so users can fluently update their away status pre-raids and similar.

It would also be nice if it showed on !whois so I can do !whois Name and see that he is away, no matter what alt of his it is im checking (since they all register their alts)

As I said, I don't know if it's possible, but if anyone could look at it, it would be much appriciated :)

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Re: Away notices
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2008, 07:32:39 pm »
Sounds nice, we have a 30 day kick policy and ask people to let us know when the go away for a longer time... this would of course make that process automatic and even available for more to use :)


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