I see that there is a KOS list as of now, but what I would like to suggest would be an advanced KOS list that would allow a guild to select catagories in the same KOS list.
if anyone in the guild types /tell bot kos
A popup would list all of the guilds that are allied, kos, friendly, neutral, and the top 5 current enemies
An example of what the popup would look like.
Bebot Guild
Allied Guilds
Guild 1 - Guild is a great ally
Guild 2 - Guild is number 1 ally, call upon these guys whenever your in trouble
Guild 3
Friendly Guilds
Guild 1 - Guild is friendly to us
Guild 2 - Guild is friendly and we are working on becoming a full ally
Guild 3
Neutral Guilds
Guild 1 - Guild used to be enemies, but is trying to prove themselves to be an ally
Guild 2 - Guild has made mistakes in the past but is trying to turn it's self around
Guild 3 - is an enemy of a guild we are an enemy with
Enemy Guilds
Guild 1 - Is known to spawn camp random people
Guild 2 - Is known to exploit
Guild 3 - Currently at war with until 7/14/08
Top 5 Kos Guilds
Guild 1
Guild 2
Guild 3
This list shold be able to be edited by anyone with the correct permissions. a few examples to attempt to explain a little bit better what this mod would be able to do.
/tell bot kosadd "Griefers - guild is known to spawn camp"
That command would then add the guild named Griefers top the KOS section with the reason Guild is known to spawn camp.
/tell bot kosdel "griefers" would then delete the guild from the KOS list completely.
/tell bot kosneutral "Griefers - Currently neutral, they clain to no longer spawn camp"
This command would add the griefers to the neutral for that particular reason.
the popups should look like the guild advertisement popups that guilds use now on the servers. showing all the allied, friendly, neutral, enemies, and the top 5 all on the one popup.
If I knew how to script in php I would work on something like this, but unfortunatly I don't know how to do anything like this

I don't know if this is even possible to be made though, but I think it's something alot of guilds could make use of.