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Author Topic: [Request] Suicide King module  (Read 6447 times)

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[Request] Suicide King module
« on: August 06, 2008, 07:38:18 pm »
I already posted a request for a Raid Planner and DKP wich still stands, but here is something a guild mate mentioned wich is relatively simple to implement, and would make loot distribution alot smoother in our raids.

Quick overview of the system using AoC terms and situations:

You start with a list of all your raid members. When the group kills a raid boss and loot drops, we find out who wants the loot and whoever is closest to the top of the list gets the item. They are then "suicided" down to the bottom of the list. If you are absent from the raid or sitting out, you don't move up or down on the list at all, but other people will move around you. If your loot type drops and you are at the bottom of the list, the only way you can get it is if everyone of your class above you is 1)absent from the raid 2)has the item 3) doesn't want it.

What we need from a module:

1) We need members to be able to see the current list so they and the officers know where they stand.

2) We need to be able to "update" the list when we give someone loot. All this update needs to do is to drop the loot winner to the bottom of the list.


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