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Author Topic: [request] Raid timers  (Read 7158 times)

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Offline Jiheld

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[request] Raid timers
« on: December 01, 2008, 03:05:45 pm »
Is it possible for the bot to have raidtimers on for the bosses 24 man raids?
Like the first mobs in Kylikki, that the bot warns for aoe and stuff?

Or the bot warns that the wolfs are incomming at kylikki etc etc???



Offline Alreadythere

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Re: [request] Raid timers
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 05:42:32 pm »
If they happen in a fixed pattern you could create a timer class for it and write a simple module which creates a timed event of that class when called. Would be similar to AO's OrbitalAttack module, or to the Countdown module in internal working.

I got no idea what the times and patterns are, never heard the bossname before - I don't play AoC.

Offline Elesar1

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Re: [request] Raid timers
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2008, 10:41:09 pm »
A couple of hints (Im the raid strategist for Eldar of Dagoth)

Currently for the Spellguards in Kyllikki's Crypt, when you pull, they will generally do two rounds of AoE, then it is safe to have the whole raid go to absolute melee range, and you should not see any more AoE from that mob. Ranged damage/heals will tirgger more AoE, so just dont have any of that going on. Dmg type doesn't matter as long as it is at melee range.

For Champion, just mind the cast of the Curse and stop all DPS for the ~10 seconds that that is up. The ending AoE on him comes at around 15-30% HP (Random, but somewhere in there)

The minions on the Kyllikki fight itself are pretty standard. West spaws at 40 seconds, North 20 seconds later, East 20 seconds after that, then reset to 40, 20, 20. If you have 3-4 shatter spec Necros in the raid, there is no real need to have anybody else aware of the time, just have your necros on standby to shatter the minions as soon as they spawn.

The only other T1 boss that is on a real timer of any sort is Vistrix, but my guild's strategy does not count time, we just have one group always in range and all other members at the farthest range possible to do dmg, all melee is waiting for adds.

Kind of off topic, but, at least for the T1 raids, I don't believe that a timer system is required.


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