Archive > AoC 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules
RAID Planner module with DKP system
Hello, there I almost finnished my RAID module with automated DKP system. It offers many functions and also "Graphic" UI for adding, editing and registering to raid. Also it is using functions from my TS3 Class Function, to show information for TS3 server. For example tells to RL if all are connected in right chnnel on TS and if not, then TELLs to registered use that they must go to TS and many more thing.
Some screenshots from RAID Planner:
Filtering the raids. The command !rd ukaz with no arguments shows all raids in following 7 days. Guild mates can also filter this list. For example !rd ukaz T1 14 * shows all raids
in following 14 days but only for TIER 1. You can also use negative days so it shows raids in past. The first argument can be TIER or SHORTCUT of the raid. If not one of these, module looks for that word in name, tier and description of raid. The last argument is status of the raid. List shows basic and important info for raid, like dates, times and user counts(signed, confirmed, unsigned,excluded). Details we can get by clicking on button DETAIL.
If you click on button DETAIL on previous screen, you get the details of the raid. Here you can see details of signed users also separated in colors to have faster info. Same colors like traffic ligths. Also by the main char you can see users ALTS which user signed for this raid. And also the note added if some. If user want to sign or edit his registration he can use button PRIHLASIT.
If you click on button PRIHLASIT you get registration UI for this raid. Here you can sign one or all of your characters for raid and add note. All notes are added to DB by RAdmins or RLeaders so user only click. So registering for raid is for user only 3clicks away.
My module offers many more functions especially for raid admins and raid leaders. I have few time so I will not write all. But all functions are similar to those showed. Also to add raid you can use "graphic" UI.
Also like TS3 module this one was made primary for my guild so czech language and some other things. But from my frinds in other guilds I got appeal to remake it for community use. So if there will be an interest I will make it to the end, for community use.
Cya on BF,
would be nice if u finish it ... than i could use it for the MITRABOT
Lookin forward to trying this one out!
nice module, would be very much intersted in trying this out as my guild just moved to dkp system.
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