BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules => Topic started by: Kritze on May 02, 2011, 09:25:19 pm

Title: question about ginfo
Post by: Kritze on May 02, 2011, 09:25:19 pm
Hello guys,

after 10 hours work its done, bebot is running on Debian Linux xD

Now i have to configure the bot and i want to begin with a guild information.

i have already read the topic "ginfo help please" and im asking myself... is there a much easier way?

I though at the beginning, that i can just write default scripts and Bebot will link them if someone tells him "!guildinfo",

I have opened the ginfo.php.txt created by the Cro Guild and didn't find any structure in this module, that i can edit for the requirements of my guild.

Is there a simple module, that links my own script to the person, who tell'd to the Bot?
Title: Re: question about ginfo
Post by: dioniz84 on May 03, 2011, 10:32:18 am
Well ... If you wanna use Cro !ginfo module you can edit this parts:

For setting officers:
Code: [Select]
$this->officers = array(
// first is guild leader
// rest are officers
Just use main chars names of you officers!

For setting guild information this you Have to change :)
Code: [Select]
$txt = "<font face='hyboriansmall' color='#FFFFFF'>CRO Guild</font>\n<font color=#000000>.<br></font>";
$txt .= "<font face='hyboriansmall' color='#FFFFFF'></font>\n<font color=#000000>.<br></font>";

Unless your guild is named CRO and your adress is :)

Rest is in txt file. Outside the module ... I guess.
Title: Re: question about ginfo
Post by: GaRoN on May 03, 2011, 12:32:31 pm
i've merged croinfo with guildinfo ...

sry but something is rewrote to german, but it won't be a problem every info is on upper line...

Recruitment-text defined by guldinfo...
Recruitment-status works by setupscript from croinfo

I've build the make_blob inside the module too so it's easier to make coloured links in global/tells

I know there was long time ago a recuitment-modul that worked with an extra recuitment.php/txt, but don't find em .. so that I think it's ok ... And it isn't so difficult to change the text between the green Info-lines and rewrite "anklicken" to "click to view" ^^
Title: Re: question about ginfo
Post by: Kritze on May 07, 2011, 07:25:37 pm
i've merged croinfo with guildinfo ...

sry but something is rewrote to german, but it won't be a problem every info is on upper line...

Recruitment-text defined by guldinfo...
Recruitment-status works by setupscript from croinfo

I've build the make_blob inside the module too so it's easier to make coloured links in global/tells

I know there was long time ago a recuitment-modul that worked with an extra recuitment.php/txt, but don't find em .. so that I think it's ok ... And it isn't so difficult to change the text between the green Info-lines and rewrite "anklicken" to "click to view" ^^

Hey thanks for the script, iam already edit it but i have a simple question... you are able to add recruitements for classes but i didn't find any line where i can add one.. for example we are looking for 2 bearshaman, 1 necro and 1 pom

And how i can align the text "left"? <left> doesn't word
Title: Re: question about ginfo
Post by: GaRoN on May 10, 2011, 07:35:16 am
there is a Setup-script inside you can change the priority .. not the number .. for the number you have to expand the lines 45-49 with the numbers...
Code: [Select]
'sehr viele' => '#005900',
'1' => '#005900',
'2' => '#005900',

In the Info-Line you can read:"        //you can put more/less levels of recruitment" ^^
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