BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules => Topic started by: jimango on February 27, 2009, 10:56:20 am

Title: Items crafted by guild
Post by: jimango on February 27, 2009, 10:56:20 am
Many have made this mod better and better.
So ill update this first post with the last published files.
If anything is wrong please give me an PM so I can fix it.

This is a mod to keep track of items craftable in the guild.

All the commands is then as follow:
  !help gitems 
  !gitems add <category1> <category2> <itemlink>
  !gitem search <part_of_item_name>

I gathered the files I could find from the others into this post:
gitems.jpg, gitems.txt, Guild_Items.phps and Guild_Items.phps.germanmodific (made an extra name extension for the last one to see the difference)
In the .phps files just remove the 's' and whatnot that might follow so it becomes .php at the server.

gitems.txt support:
If you want to use the alternate view (not on by default)
    * gitems.txt must go in your extra folder
    * you must tell the bot !settings guild_items Use_Alt_View on
You can change the gitems.txt file to match the needs of your guild.  I have included a screen shot of how my version looks.  (if you are familiar with the scripts module this works in a similar fashion)

You can also now hide the delete button (shown by default):
    * you must tell the bot !settings guild_items show_delete_button off


People mentioned in these mods are:
Taxoman, Jimango, Kyr, WeZoN and maikee (maikee is only mentioned in the 'Guild_Items.phps.germanmodific' since I dont know if Kyrs last file is a newer version of that one)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Drizzurdeen on April 03, 2009, 04:18:41 pm
ok looks like you can't only use for crafting items ... is it possible to add the owner of the item ???

like ...

!gitems add <qty> <category1> <categroy2> <itemlink> <owner>

would this possible ??? would be very nice ...

greetz drizz
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: jimango on April 11, 2009, 12:53:52 pm
The player that does the command that i shown will be automaticly regged as the owner ;)

we will soon add a few other things as:

- leather recipes
- nr2 that makes an item allready regged, is just added as owner nr2 (it will look cleaner)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: jimango on April 22, 2009, 02:30:50 pm
I would like to upload an update here, but cant upload the file..
I tried to change it to .txt but it doesnt help..

The message i get say it used to long time to upload, but its a tiny file, how can that be?

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Khalem on April 22, 2009, 02:50:15 pm
Email it to thomas.juberg [at] and I'll have it posted and also look into why there was issues uploading it.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: jimango on April 28, 2009, 01:32:04 am
I found the problem, it was the machine i was one that didnt alow it..

So the file is updated now.

Still plans for further develop ;)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: WeZoN on July 09, 2009, 04:07:21 pm

How is the progress on: ??

- we are still working on the module to have mats needed for each item.
- nr2 that makes an item allready regged, is just added as owner nr2 (it will look cleaner)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Poonjab on July 15, 2009, 11:48:06 pm
Is this supposed to go in the modules\AoC folder, or straight into the modules folder?

I had it running last night but when someone added an item it was just a big mess of nonsensical characters for each item added.

Also, does it have to be added as the right category / sub-category, or can my lazy guild members just add things they can make and the person clicking on it can figure out the what it is?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: WeZoN on July 23, 2009, 05:58:31 pm
Is this supposed to go in the modules\AoC folder, or straight into the modules folder?

I had it running last night but when someone added an item it was just a big mess of nonsensical characters for each item added.

Also, does it have to be added as the right category / sub-category, or can my lazy guild members just add things they can make and the person clicking on it can figure out the what it is?

you put in the module folder in the bot directory! 

Yes, you need to put items in category / subcategory, or the items won't show on list and it wil just be a mess..

what you need to to:

!gitems add armor cloth item_you_want_added

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Poonjab on July 24, 2009, 02:39:52 am
Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately I doubt many in the guild are up to the task of entering the category and sub-category for each item they enter.  Also there are categories missing like Potions.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: WeZoN on July 25, 2009, 03:46:17 pm
I cannot upload the file here for some reason :S

I have added potions under misc!

I also modified gems to show color!
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Justine on October 12, 2009, 08:23:29 pm
I might be missing something. Using the commands stated in the OP to add an item .. !gitems add catagory1 subcatagory itemname  the result only gives this with the !gitems command:

:: Available Crafted Items In Guild ::
     | QL: | Added by: Zoye | [ Delete ]
     | QL: | Added by: Zoye | [ Delete ]

Where it says "QL" I would assume that is supposed to be the item name?  Did I miss something?

Also a note: the command !gitems help also returns the same text as above in an info window. Please tell me what I did wrong so I can stop bashing my head on the keyboard.  my asdf keys are starting to wear off :P
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on October 13, 2009, 01:10:04 pm
Looks like you have a problem with parsing the item link as you only have nickname and type saved.
QL is Item Level. You are also missing Item name, and probly also some IDs and other referances that arent showed but used in dababase.

This can be caused by different .php and database/table version. Best would be to delete guild_items table in your database and restart your bot.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Justine on October 13, 2009, 07:33:24 pm
Well it would really help if i got some sleep before adding mods...

the commands is:
!help gitems  - help meny
!gitems          - list of items
!gitems add <category1> <category2> <itemlink> - how to add item to list
As posted by the OP...

I had not used the "link" *bangs head* but the name of the item... lol its working now for us thanks for the reply :)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Justine on October 14, 2009, 09:32:46 am
This is working great appreciate you guys getting this set up. Couple questions if you have time to answer. Is there anyway to get this to break down by catagory instead of page after page of returned data?

For example just my recipes alone returns 3 pages of data for members to sift thru. It is also slowing down with a return time each page that got added.  Might the !gitems offer a menu to click to the catagory the member would be interested in? and that catagory listing all recipes entered for it?

Also I saw the note that plans are being made or worked on to include the mats needed. That would be nice also, hows the progress for this?

Again thank you
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on October 22, 2009, 08:03:36 pm
Added this today and seems to work good.  Thanks. 

Weird that it has the same name as a mod I noticed in the archive, not one I want to use so no big deal.

question: Is "Gathering Tradeskill" what you intend for alchemy recipes like Royal Gold and Billon?  If not, can you add a new category for that?

question: Can you report a message to the user when the item fails to add because of using the wrong category/sub?  Right now it gives a positive message as if the item was added, but it does not show on the list of items.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Margon on October 26, 2009, 06:59:11 pm
*ignore my post*
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on November 02, 2009, 11:06:23 pm
Another issue:

Gem subcategories and the color headings are not working correctly.  I'm not sure how to explain this so I have included what is displayed.  Other categories/subcategories work as intended.  What you can't see is that the colors are all wrong too.

Quote from: names replaced with XXX to protect the guilty
    Tainted Alkahest | QL: 40 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Omnific Marquise Pushparagam | QL: 70 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Omnific Marquise Pushparagam | QL: 70 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Sanguine Radiant Sapphire | QL: 75 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Sanguine Radiant Sapphire | QL: 75 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Glacial Marquise Jet | QL: 70 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Glacial Marquise Jet | QL: 70 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]
    Igneous Marquise Jet | QL: 70 | Added by: XXX | [ Delete ]

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on November 03, 2009, 01:29:24 am
The problem is that the subcategory is an actually color as defined by BeBot so ##Yellow## gets replaced with some color html code, by adding spaces around the category fixes this.

Code: (replace the function show_gitems with the one below 2 lines (104 thru 147) with this) [Select]
//Shows Guild Items List
function show_gitems($name)
if (empty($this -> items_list)) return "There are currently no Guild Items.";

$blob = "<font color='SILVER' face='hyborianlarge'>:: Available Crafted Items In Guild ::</font>\n";
if (!empty($this -> items_list))
$item_cat = "";
$item_cat2 = "";
foreach ($this -> items_list AS $items)
$item_category = preg_split('/ /', $items['item_cat']);
if ($this -> bot -> core("security") -> check_access($name, $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('Guild_Items', 'Item_Del')))
$delete = "##gitems_highlight1##|##end## [ " . $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> chatcmd("gitems del $items[id]", "Delete") . " ]";
$itemlink = $this -> itemlink("item $items[item_id]", "$items[item_color]", "$items[item_name]");
$blob .= "\n##gitems_heading1##$item_category[0]##end##\n";
$blob .= "##gitems_heading2##&nbsp;&nbsp;$item_category[1]&nbsp;##end##\n";
$blob .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$itemlink ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##QL:##end## $items[item_ql] ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##Added by:##end## $items[item_addedby] $delete\n";
$item_cat2 = $item_category[1];
} else {
$blob .= "##gitems_heading2##&nbsp;&nbsp;$item_category[1]&nbsp;##end##\n";
$blob .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$itemlink ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##QL:##end## $items[item_ql] ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##Added by:##end## $items[item_addedby] $delete\n";
} else {
$blob .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$itemlink ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##QL:##end## $items[item_ql] ##gitems_highlight1##|##end## ##gitems_highlight2##Added by:##end## $items[item_addedby] $delete\n";
$item_cat2 = $item_category[1];
$item_cat = $item_category[0];
return $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("Guild Items", $blob);
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on November 04, 2009, 12:46:26 am
Made some more changes to this.

- show only items made by character
- show only items by category
- show only items by category + subcategory
- show message when trying to add with invalid category or subcategory


edit--  some how I attached the wrong file here.  Will make a new reply with the correct file.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: viggen on November 06, 2009, 11:18:33 pm
getting a wierd text in the middle of the gems section.

    Omnific Marquise Pushparagam | QL: 70 | Added by: xxx | [ Delete ]
    Sanguine Radiant Sapphire | QL: 75 | Added by: xxx | [ Delete ]

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on November 08, 2009, 08:52:25 pm
Here is the correct file.  Sorry about the confusion.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Direwolf19 on November 14, 2009, 08:35:15 pm
Love this module. We've been having problems as of late with the item lookup since the last patch though. It was working perfectly before.

The error message is:

Warning: socket_read(): unable to read from socket
  in C:\BeBot\main\14_Tools.php on line 210

Any idea's?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on November 15, 2009, 12:21:33 am
Thats probly something todo with the old item database...,2041.0.html
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on November 15, 2009, 04:40:34 am
I dont have this problem as I use the new central item DB from Getrix.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Taker on December 27, 2009, 06:42:31 am
Is there a way to edit what has been added instead of just deleting? like updating the categories?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on December 28, 2009, 05:13:16 pm
If you wanted to edit the category or subcategories you could make edits in the table directly, with phpMyAdmin or similar tool for accessing MySql databases.

There is no way built into the module for doing that.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: BoA-Gert on January 07, 2010, 11:49:32 am
Nice module - got this working with the new central itemDB so when people do a search it also lists from the guild_items table who can make it...
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Shaidar on February 14, 2010, 01:16:50 pm
Very nice module this :)
I'm guessing that the item names are links, but all I get from the bot when clicking on them is this:
!item 3843053

Followed by the bot telling me (in norwegian) that a connection attempt has failed.
Any ideas?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: fowlskins on February 14, 2010, 02:04:01 pm
you need to be conected to getrix's database to get the links to work

read this thread i think

 Re: New Central itemDB (!item[s|reg])!item!items!itemreg(auto))/msg14663/#msg14663
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Shaidar on February 14, 2010, 02:17:01 pm
Thanks, didnt know that. Have sent him a pm about getting access.
Thanks :)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Drizzurdeen on February 19, 2010, 01:50:40 pm
kk ... we love this module ... but one bug or feature ;)

     | QL: | Added by: Drizzurden | [ Delete ]
     | QL: | Added by: Drizzurden | [ Delete ]
     | QL: | Added by: Drizzurden | [ Delete ]
    Bestienzorn-Armschutz | QL: 79 | Added by: Drizzurden | [ Delete ]
    Bestienzorn-Gurt | QL: 79 | Added by: Drizzurden | [ Delete ]

we are on german server Mitra and we ad items with ä,ö,ü these items would not be shown in the gitems overview ... ist there any workaround to see this items ... and no pls nothing like ... hey just use the eng items ;)

thanks drizz
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: muso on March 01, 2010, 03:22:53 pm
!item 3860703
Error in query to database

i got this error when i want to see the stat for the item any idea why?

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 02, 2010, 11:36:57 pm
New version attached:

- It will add some new categories from the last patch and some that should have been there all along.
- I hope it will fix the german language problem as reported here (please test and verify)
- Can add items to the list even if they have a colon(:) in the name.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: fowlskins on March 03, 2010, 12:08:58 am
i really love this module and so do all my guildys
but ive seemed to encoutered a problem with ours to start with everything added to the list fine but now ive got to 15 items in gitems although we still get the this item has been added message they dont show up in the list only the first 15 that were added

its like there should be a second page or something but i cant seem to get to it or maby its just not properly adding to the database any ideas ?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: TBK on March 08, 2010, 02:37:19 am
!item 3860703
Error in query to database

i got this error when i want to see the stat for the item any idea why?


Because the database BeBot is referring to doesn't any longer exist.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 08, 2010, 12:36:03 pm
The entire list is now almost 20 pages for my guild.  As you can imagine this takes awhile to complete and prohibits other bot commands from responding until the 20 pages have finished displaying.

As a result I am working on a new version that won't show the whole thing at once and instead will provide an alternate view, a list of category searches that users can click on.  I will add a setting to use the view how it looks now (the default) or my new alternate view.

Also, it was requested by a guildie that when you search by character it show what that characters other toons can make.  Also, adding main to the display list.

If anyone has suggestions related to these changes or other requests feel free to say so.

(this was previously mistakenly posted on instance bound tracker)

And now has been complete and is being tested now.
I made the first page template like so guilds can format to their own needs.
Also added an option to not show the delete button even if you are permitted to delete.  Made the list longer plus I was accidentally deleting items from the list.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on March 08, 2010, 01:15:51 pm
From my view the !gitems listing is abit heavy and personaly i disabled the possible to view that list ingame. Added a browsing page on forum with pictures for easier browsing.

@Kyr: I think your changes will be a good way of fixing the problem.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 09, 2010, 12:41:07 am
Here it is!

If you want to use the alternate view (not on by default)

You can change the gitems.txt file to match the needs of your guild.  I have included a screen shot of how my version looks.  (if you are familiar with the scripts module this works in a similar fashion)

You can also now hide the delete button (shown by default):

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Zeephonz on March 24, 2010, 01:55:12 am
This is an excellent module, and works very well.

What would be very cool, is to have a clickable "i can do this too" kind of link next to each loaded item, so that if anyone else can craft it, they just need to click the link as opposed to having to load it up themselves the long way.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 24, 2010, 05:42:48 am
That's an interesting idea Zeephonz, I will think about it.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild - SEARCH
Post by: Kyr on March 27, 2010, 06:31:24 pm
I added a search function.

!gitems search <part of item name>

Also provided a new alternate view script that demonstrates how to use the search (remember this goes in the bots extra folder, and you have to enable its use in '!settings guild_items').  Personally I like the old one better, because in order to fit the search samples in I had to remove some of the formatting.  Not sure what the limit is on scripts, but it was cutting it off when I added the sample searches.


Title: Re: Items crafted by guild - SEARCH
Post by: alekseyvip on April 16, 2010, 01:18:04 am
I added a search function.

!gitems search <part of item name>

Also provided a new alternate view script that demonstrates how to use the search (remember this goes in the bots extra folder, and you have to enable its use in '!settings guild_items').  Personally I like the old one better, because in order to fit the search samples in I had to remove some of the formatting.  Not sure what the limit is on scripts, but it was cutting it off when I added the sample searches.


Its work!!!))))
But i dont any items delete.....
Edit plz this module :(
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on April 16, 2010, 01:39:09 am
Have you added items to your list?
Did it give you a positive message when you added them?
I will need more information if you want me to help ya.

Might help if you post a screen shot or copy of the text output.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: alekseyvip on April 16, 2010, 02:05:59 am
Have you added items to your list?
Did it give you a positive message when you added them?
I will need more information if you want me to help ya.

Might help if you post a screen shot or copy of the text output.

~Kyr dont work delete items.
i have question.
i can add items another people?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on April 16, 2010, 02:26:07 am
nope, you cannot add items for other people.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: alekseyvip on April 16, 2010, 11:27:09 am
nope, you cannot add items for other people.
yes i cannot delete my items and another people too.its no work
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on April 18, 2010, 09:15:22 pm
I have verified that there is a problem with deleting guild items.  I will fix this bug and repost a new file.  Thank you for reporting this bug.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: alekseyvip on April 18, 2010, 11:39:55 pm
I have verified that there is a problem with deleting guild items.  I will fix this bug and repost a new file.  Thank you for reporting this bug.
Thx.where you repost this file?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on April 19, 2010, 01:05:00 am
Ok, here it is.  Pretty sure that was introduced with the new search feature.   Thanks for letting me know about it.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: alekseyvip on April 19, 2010, 01:18:26 am
Ok, here it is.  Pretty sure that was introduced with the new search feature.   Thanks for letting me know about it.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Bhaltair on May 27, 2010, 06:31:45 pm
Strange, it does not work for me.

The old database system is down and I switched to a new one that requires server and password. Does this have to do anything with it?

When I do !gitems add Armor Medium 3875347 and type !gitems, I see only this:

:: Available Crafted Items In Guild ::
     :: Also made by :: | QL: | Added by: Bhaltair | Main: Bhaltair | [ Delete ]

How can I solve this?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Yite on May 27, 2010, 07:07:13 pm
I believe you actually have to give it a real drag and drop item link. A rewrite to accept db links should be possible imho
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Bhaltair on May 27, 2010, 10:26:03 pm
Ahh I see, it's the drag and drop link that works.

Thanks Yite, would be nice if it actually accepts database link.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on May 30, 2010, 07:33:23 pm
I don't think DB links would be all that useful. If you can make it, then its in your book.  Most people wouldn't even know there was an ID.

Feel free to explain why it would be useful.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Hyenaman on May 31, 2010, 12:36:02 am
Hi i see this module work fine but i only get this on the scripts

:: Available Guild Items ::
    Robes of Incantation ##gitems_highlight1##| ##gitems_highlight2##QL: 62 ##gitems_highlight1##| ##gitems_highlight2##Stock: 1 ##gitems_highlight1##| [ Delete ]

anyone know or have similar problem? tks
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: MrHaugen on June 29, 2010, 12:02:44 pm
This module is just super smooth now! Especially the search categories helps a lot.

It was first created by two of our guild members/leaders, and we used the first version for a long time. I'm glad it's been improved though! :) Thanks for all the work you've done!
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: maikee on November 28, 2010, 02:37:58 am

I have adjust the module for german users.

the problem: after adjust the module i can add a new item to the guild item list but when i access the guild item list he said "There are no Guild Items."

can anyone help me? Here is the adjusted file.
I have only adjusted the line 53, 58, 74 and 465 with the german categorie words
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on December 05, 2010, 10:08:19 pm
I suspect that the table still has the old category names in the enum for item_cat.  If you and your guild mates haven't added lots of things they can make, delete the table and restart the bot.

Let me know if this doesn't fix you or if you have any more questions.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: maikee on December 11, 2010, 11:56:53 pm
thx for your answer.
But how can i delete the table?
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on December 13, 2010, 08:25:07 pm
You can use phpMyAdmin to delete the table.
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: jimango on January 18, 2011, 03:50:21 am

I have adjust the module for german users.

the problem: after adjust the module i can add a new item to the guild item list but when i access the guild item list he said "There are no Guild Items."

can anyone help me? Here is the adjusted file.
I have only adjusted the line 53, 58, 74 and 465 with the german categorie words

This is the last link of the file so I wonder have this been fixed?
If so please give me a PM with the new file and Ill update it in the original post.

I have tried to make track of all the beautiful new improvements you all have made to this mod.
So if anyone know of any other functions this module can do at this stage please let me know in a PM.
The functions I have track of is:

!help gitems  - help meny           ~Taxoman and Jimango
!gitems          - list of items        ~Taxoman and Jimango
!gitems add <category1> <category2> <itemlink> - how to add item to list   ~Taxoman and Jimango

-Potions under misc                  ~WeZoN
-modified gems to show color   ~WeZoN  (the forum say WeZon made it, but in the mod it only say Kyr made a fix for this. I guess WeZoN made it.. right?)

!gitem search <part_of_item_name>              ~Kyr
-Show only items made by character               ~Kyr
-Show only items by category                          ~Kyr
-Show only items by category +subcategory   ~Kyr
Updated version with more categories, better function fixes and missing language fix  ~Kyr
Alternative view                                                ~Kyr

If anyone see that I have forgotten any changes or people that should be mentioned please let me know by sending me a message and I will correct it at once.
If not I will try to make a new improved first post with all the changes that have been made.

Best regards Jimango
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 13, 2011, 08:33:48 pm
This module is not working to add items now.  I think its from the patch that changed the item link format.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on March 13, 2011, 09:12:08 pm
Try replace line 43:
Code: [Select]
var $itemPattern = '(<a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref:\/\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)\/([0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)"><font color=#([0-9a-f]*)>\[([\\-a-zäöüßA-ZÄÖÜ0-9_\'&\s\-\:]*)\]<\/font><\/a>)';With:
Code: [Select]
var $itemPattern = '(<a style="text-decoration:none" href="itemref:\/\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)\/([0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)\/([0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*\:[0-9a-f]*:[0-9a-f]*)"><font color=#([0-9a-f]*)>\[([\\-a-zäöüßA-ZÄÖÜ0-9_\'&\s\-\:]*)\]<\/font><\/a>)';
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 14, 2011, 06:14:39 pm
thank you for your help.  the item now gets added but it doesn't show the item correctly on the list.

Code: [Select]
    b290805c:29e627ca:b290805c:29e627ca | QL: 0 | Added by: Kyrit | Main: Kyrit
    Darkfate Armwraps | QL: 80 | Added by: Kyrzon | Main: Kyrit
    Grasp of Death | QL: 72 | Added by: Kyrzon | Main: Kyrit

It shows b290805c:29e627ca:b290805c:29e627ca instead of the item name.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on March 14, 2011, 06:22:44 pm
Code: [Select]
//Parse an item
    function parseitem($item)
        preg_match_all("/".$this->itemPattern."/i", $item, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach ($matches as $match)
                $a[id] = $match[2];
                $a[ql] = $match[4];
                $a[color] = $match[7];
                $a[name] = $match[8];
        return $a;
Code: [Select]
//Parse an item
    function parseitem($item)
        preg_match_all("/".$this->itemPattern."/i", $item, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach ($matches as $match)
                $a[id] = $match[2];
                $a[ql] = $match[5];
                $a[color] = $match[9];
                $a[name] = $match[10];
        return $a;
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 14, 2011, 10:11:52 pm
Thank you again Getrix.  That fixes the problem.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: GaRoN on March 15, 2011, 03:38:19 pm
can someone upload the complete new code that works ??
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Kyr on March 18, 2011, 02:27:17 am
Here it is! This will fix the problem where you can't add items since the patch (2.1.3– Dreamworld Technology Update).

Also, I added a little something.  You can choose to show for characters or character and alts.

!gitems charall <character name>
!gitems char <character name>

Also, you can see more details in the help.  !help gitems

I updated the default gitems.txt to show for alts in the sample alternate view.  That file is included here too and should be put in the extra folder. (<bot folder>/extra)  And to turn this feature on use !settings guild_items. Enable the Use_Alt_View.

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: GaRoN on March 18, 2011, 09:46:30 am
thanks alot  :D
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: GaRoN on August 03, 2011, 12:08:40 pm
I have overhauled the german gitems.php & maked a german gitems.txt
 maikee's germanmod had a bug i think .. have not seen the itemlinks and the ql etc. wasn't right..
some categorys are little bit confused but it works fine by mine
gathering staff is Sammeln Stab .. I haven't find a better translation the others are fine ^^
And I don't know why the /gu,/guild,/Gilde command doesn't work..
It also doesn't work by writing in chat-window too...

Greetings GaRoN
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Yite on December 08, 2011, 11:51:55 am
Added Architect Consumable, Architect Sculpture, Architect Pillar, Architect Centerpiece, Architect Megalith, increased version to 3
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Zeephonz on December 08, 2011, 10:00:32 pm
Added Architect Consumable, Architect Sculpture, Architect Pillar, Architect Centerpiece, Architect Megalith, increased version to 3

Nice Yite!

Just need a working bot to use it :(
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: joneitp on January 04, 2012, 01:06:17 pm
Im new to this...
Well ive setup the module and managed to add items on its db... but im getting this error when i click on the item name link:

!item 3806147
[Mercbot]: Error in query to database
Mercbot is my botname

Alread deleted the Table and restarted the bot.. any clues?

Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: joel47 on January 05, 2012, 09:02:18 pm
I used Kyr's March 17  gitems fix and the one with his items and it works for me....

BUT the depot module i'm trying to get going says the same as your problem  Error in database query  Seems like a similar problem.. since they booth seem to referenct !gitems  Could some one help us out on this  thanks all :)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: Getrix on January 05, 2012, 10:48:47 pm!item!items!itemreg(auto))/ (!item!items!itemreg(auto))/)
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: joneitp on January 06, 2012, 08:48:54 pm
Thx for the infos.... Managed to make it work using the infos that  Getrix sent me :D

Now it works, but mostly of craftable armorsmith itens that i register on the db wont show its description.. some comes as an empty brackets.
example for this item: Fine Sateen Gloves  (its a lvl 60 Coth Gloves )

To [Mercbot]: !item 219064   (this is when i click on item name.)

For example the Entire  "Fine Silk" set  all the pieces wont show the description.
And there are lots of items like this, do i did something wrong or?
PS: Ive already deleted the gitems DB in PHPmyadmin
Title: Re: Items crafted by guild
Post by: joel47 on January 07, 2012, 09:35:41 pm
Thank You so much:)  Fixed my Depot and EVERYONE in guild is happier and better for it...Your the Best!!
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