Archive > AoC 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules

AOC>TV: AAMon module for keeping track of AA skill training

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--- Quote from: Pituvul on July 31, 2013, 09:53:40 pm ---Is there a way to clear the AAmon timer input history to avoid getting 4+ pages of results when using "!aamon show ToonName" ?

--- End quote ---
If you're willing to dig a little into the AAMon.php code, I think it's possible to limit the number of skill history.
Go to line 243 in the aa_show function. It should read something like this:

--- Code: ---$data = $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/aa/get', array('char_id' => $char_id));

--- End code ---

Try replacing it with:

--- Code: ---$data = $this -> fetch_api_data('aamon/aa/get', array('char_id' => $char_id, 'limit' => 10));

--- End code ---

10 is the number of skills you want in the history.

Disclaimer: this mod is untested and unverified!

We have a bot on Crom, where it had to change name after the merge. Name changed from Halp to Halpme, and after that, AAMon ceased to work. How can we fix this?


--- Quote from: shax on September 23, 2013, 03:42:23 pm ---We have a bot on Crom, where it had to change name after the merge. Name changed from Halp to Halpme, and after that, AAMon ceased to work. How can we fix this?

--- End quote ---
Check your PM.


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