BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6.x Custom/Unofficial modules => Topic started by: Margon on November 28, 2009, 06:32:28 pm

Title: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Margon on November 28, 2009, 06:32:28 pm
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Drizzurdeen on November 29, 2009, 01:05:04 am
hi margon sounds nice the module ... i will try it tomorrow ...
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Drizzurdeen on November 29, 2009, 01:04:55 pm
ok works fine ... but it would be nice when u could change the mod so taht every guild is able to add guild in the module by ex. !ally add [guildbot] and remove with !ally rem [guildbot]

so long Drizz
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Margon on November 29, 2009, 06:10:11 pm
new version released
v. 1.1
- no need to edit the allychat.php
- possible to add and remove allied guildbots ingame
- change your guildname ingame
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Drizzurdeen on November 29, 2009, 08:59:17 pm
perfect ;) ...
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Khalem on November 30, 2009, 03:02:02 pm
Just some observations

Code: [Select]
      if (!empty($result2))
      foreach ($result2 as $val2)
         $this->bot->send_tell($val2[0], $allymsg, 0, false);
         sleep(1); // spamprotection

Why not use the built in chat queue and spam protection instead of "hanging" the entire bot for one second at a time?

Code: [Select]
      if (!empty($result2))
      foreach ($result2 as $val2)
         $this->bot->send_tell($val2[0], $allymsg, 1, false);

Also, i as always highly urge against using tells for relays on any relays which get any serious amount of traffic. Funcom have stated in the past that they will not hesitate to ban bots abusing /tells and they have done so in the past as well.
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: WeZoN on December 04, 2009, 02:02:20 pm
Me and my alliance have been using something like this for a couple of months now..

It's stable and we haven't had any trouble with it or funcom.

Answer on the delay question: If you rely on the spam protection you may end up not receiving the message that was sent. And i would guess Funcom is monitoring the spam. So if you do not "hit" the spam protection you stay unnoticed.

If you'd like i can post the code we use
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Margon on December 08, 2009, 03:01:18 pm
Why not use the built in chat queue and spam protection instead of "hanging" the entire bot for one second at a time?

fixed and

v. 1.2
- fixed some description errors
- added an overview of your alliance-settings
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: goldorius on January 12, 2010, 02:58:54 pm
Really excellent work!

We use it and everyone is delighted to finally possess a alliance channel.

An interesting feature is, can we have a list of all connected to an alliance? thank you for your responses and sorry for my bad english...  :)
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Margon on January 12, 2010, 03:05:29 pm
with !alliance you will get a list of the added bots.

what kind of list do you mean?
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: goldorius on January 12, 2010, 04:08:03 pm
a list of online gamers throughout the alliance. But I imagine that it's more complicated  :D
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: WeZoN on January 13, 2010, 12:01:56 am
Our alliance chat module might be released to the public,, but i'm awaiting permission from the one who made it :P

You can send message to all bots in the alliance or specify the bot you want the message sent too

It has online list..


!alliance online botname

it will return a list of all online players on the bot you specify.

This alliance chat works with multiple bots. We are currently 4 guilds with each our bot running this module.

The module is made by Borgan of BotGC @ EU-Aquilonia

Stay tuned..
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: goldorius on January 13, 2010, 04:06:18 am
This is good news! I look forward to this module;)
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: WeZoN on January 13, 2010, 11:20:33 am
Borgan has said that he happily will release it to the public. But he wants to improve it even more before that :P

good news:
it will be even better when it's released

Bad news:
might take some time
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Yite on January 29, 2010, 12:49:28 pm
Would be very interested in this, any update on a public release yet?
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: WeZoN on January 29, 2010, 01:35:26 pm
As he is happy with releasing it i guess i could make a new topic with a release.. 
And i'll ofc post the updates when they come..
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Yite on February 03, 2010, 12:12:28 pm
Please :)
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: WeZoN on February 03, 2010, 12:45:50 pm
there we go ^^

hehe,, oh:P   i copied wrong link :P
edited now
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: Yite on February 03, 2010, 12:57:23 pm

And thanks!
Title: Re: Alliance Guild Chat
Post by: fowlskins on February 03, 2010, 01:45:00 pm
awsome ill get this one installed myself  :D
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