List over costume modules for BeBot to use with Age of Conane.
* Instance Bound TrackerKeep track of your bound/cd's for instances and minigames.
* EQDKP - ingame query moduleIngame query against EQDKP Plus .6
* AoC
AoC YG player profile module is dead
* AOC>TV: AAMonAOC>TV: AAMon module for keeping track of AA skill training
AAMon lets users keep track of their AA training in a central database.
By storing the info at the AOC>TV database instead of the local bebot database, we open up new possibilities like creating external clients which can access the skill training data through an XML API.
* Borgan's Alliance ChatThis is a module that let's you chat between multiple guilds through bebot.
* DepotThis command creates a registry of items to enable members to share items
* UserAdminThis module is for bebot owners who have neglected to clean up their memberlist as people have left the guild or quit the game.
NB: is dead, module partly broken
List in progress