Hey folks. It's been awhile since I've been on these boards and my last contribution seems to be outdated with the changes to the game, so I'm back for another go, but I think I need some assistance.
I'm looking to take advantage of some of the newer whois data coming back from the chat server to monitor the location of players on the bot's friends list. The module will send out whois packets for online players and record their playfield location. This check can be done every 15 minutes or so, which would be appropriate for most raids.
When a player enters a raid zone such as Kyllikki's Crypt, the module will mark that player as in a raid, and then wait for the player to change to a different playfield. The player will then receive a tell saying "I see you've just left Kyllikki's Crypt. Should I mark this raid locked for that character?" The player can then respond, and the bot will record the player locked until the Tuesday reset.
New commands would include something like !lockout (charactername), that gives a list of all the raids and whether or not that character has already participated in them this week.
Now, I mentioned possibly needing assistance -- I can write the module without any issues, however the whois data is not currently included (I don't believe it is at least!) with the distribution of AOChat. I've watched some of the packets exchanged between client and chat server and believe I may be able to obtain the information I need to add new rules to AOChat. (Some of the data on the packet's structure is also available in the source code of ConanChat available at
If anyone else is comfortable with the AOChat format and also interested in the completion of this module, get at me and I'd love to work with you. Otherwise, I'll just try not to get myself banned sending malformed packets to Funcom, hahaha.