This is an indication of a database error.
However the logging of such errors is currently not handled correctly at all and will itself cause crashes like you are experiencing.
As a temporary workaround open your Sources/MySQL.php file and find the function error on line 160
change it to the following
function error($text, $fatal = false)
$msg = mysql_error();
$this -> error_count++;
//$this -> bot -> log("MySQL", "ERROR", "(# " . $this -> error_count . ") on query: $text\n$msg", TRUE);
echo "MYSQL ERROR ""(# " . $this -> error_count . ") on query: $text\n$msg";
// If this error is occuring while we are trying to first connect to the database when starting
// rthe bot its a fatal error.
if ($fatal)
DIE("Fatal MySQL error");
This should allow you to see the actual MySQL error.
I'll look into it when i get home later today or tomorrow.