BeBot - An Anarchy Online and Age Of Conan chat automaton

Archive => Age of Conan Archive => AoC 0.6 support => Topic started by: bacon on February 21, 2013, 12:13:53 am

Title: Server issue
Post by: bacon on February 21, 2013, 12:13:53 am
I've ran into tons of problems setting up the program but have figured it all out along the way... until now.

I'm getting this message:

Baconbot [MOD-CUSTOM]   [DIR]   Loading additional modules in directory custom/m

Unknown dimension (Set)

I checked my conf files and it seems to look right:

$dimension = "Set";                 // The name of the server you play on, or (1, 2 or 3 for AO)

Any clue where I'm going wrong here?
Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: WeZoN on February 21, 2013, 01:28:51 am
Check the settings in ServerList.php

Should be:
Code: [Select]
// AO
$server_list['ao']['Testlive']      = array('server'=>'''port'=>7109);
$server_list['ao']['Atlantean']     = array('server'=>'''port'=>7101);
$server_list['ao']['Rimor']         = array('server'=>'''port'=>7102);
$server_list['ao']['Die neue welt'] = array('server'=>'''port'=>7103);

// AOC
$server_list['aoc']['EU']           = array('server'=>'''port'=>7000);
$server_list['aoc']['US']           = array('server'=>'''port'=>7010);
$server_list['aoc']['Aoctestlive']  = array('server'=>'''port'=>7010);

// all EU servers use the same login server
$server_list['aoc']['Bloodbrand' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Ahriman' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Bori' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Crom' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Dagon' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Ymir' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Hyrkania' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Fury' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Aquilonia' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Twilight' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Corinthia' $server_list['aoc']['EU'];

// Spanish Servers
$server_list['aoc']['Zingara']      = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Indomitus']    = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];

// French Servers
$server_list['aoc']['Ishtar']       = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Ferox']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Stygia']       = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Strix']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];

// German Servers
$server_list['aoc']['Asura']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Ibis']         = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Mitra']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Aries']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Titus']        = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];
$server_list['aoc']['Asgard']       = $server_list['aoc']['EU'];

// all US servers use the same login server
$server_list['aoc']['Gwahlur']      = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Set']          = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Wiccana']      = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Bloodspire']   = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Ironspine']    = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Tyranny']      = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Cimmeria']     = $server_list['aoc']['US'];
$server_list['aoc']['Agony']        = $server_list['aoc']['US'];

Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: bacon on February 21, 2013, 01:46:31 am
Yeah, my serverlist file is exactly like yours. I even copy and pasted to make sure. Same result.
Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: Shelly on February 21, 2013, 02:14:02 am
In your Bot.conf file you need to set the $dimension = " ";to what ever server you play on (probably 5 or 6) and set your $guild = "": to your AOC guild name.
Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: bacon on February 21, 2013, 05:46:48 pm
Yeah, I've done that. My server on AoC is Set. I have my guildname entered in the guildname area too.

Still no luck.
Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: Killaah on February 22, 2013, 10:33:08 am
He is sorted now, unfortunately the current downloadable files do not include the 3.01 patch fix. Once he got those in, things worked like a charm :)
Title: Re: Server issue
Post by: Shelly on February 25, 2013, 11:08:39 am
Thanks for posting Killaah about the fix.
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