Hi guys...
complete noob to all this i got my first bot to work after awhile of searching etc...
Im on another server but still have the other bot working but would like to get a second bot running for new guild on new server i for the life of me cant figure out how to do this...
if there is a post about this ive not been able to find it...
any guildance would be awesome...
my main prob is can i copy my other bot folder etc and where can i place it?
what do i need to change etc etc
thanks for reading this
This is what error im getting....
Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user '*********'@'localhost' (using
password: YES) in C:\Users\*********\bot - aoc\bebot-hyborian - CIMMERIA - Cop
y\Sources\MySQL.php on line 129
MySQL ERROR(# 1) on query: Cannot connect to the database server at as
user ********!
Access denied for user '*********'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Line 129 = $conn = mysql_connect($this -> SERVER, $this -> USER, $this -> PASS);