I'm trying to setup a new bot, but I can't get it to add members or notice what is typed in guild chat.
It responds like it should to /tell
I see from the log that is don't get a user id, can that has something to do with the problem?
[2010-01-10 15:57:24] [MOD-CUSTOM] [DIR] Loading additional modules in directory custom/modules/
[2010-01-10 15:57:24] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Connecting to aoc server aoc-eu-um.live.ageofconan.com:7000
[2010-01-10 15:57:24] [LOGIN] [STATUS] Authenticating
[2010-01-10 15:57:40] [ERROR] [AOChatWrapper_Core] I was unable to get the user id for user: 'Askme'
[2010-01-10 15:57:40] [SETTINGS] [LOAD] Loaded settings from database.
[2010-01-10 15:57:40] [LOGIN] [RESULT] OK
We got another bot and I have compared most settings, so really don't understand what is the problem. Anyone that can help?