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Author Topic: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..  (Read 33462 times)

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Offline deathwarnt

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PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« on: June 24, 2011, 04:05:12 am »
Hello.  Ok so I have researched this quite a bit and I have seen another thread on it, but what worked for him/her did not work for me.  Therefore I repost...
  The issue i'm having is attacked to this post...

Basiclly, from my understanding it says that it cannot find the php_sockets.dll  in the c:/php directory.  This is obvious, however...what's confusing is the damn sockets.dll "IS" acutally there.  I originally put the PHP folder into the bebot root directory and tried to run it there. Same issue.  in the php.ini, I removed the ";" in front of "extensions: phpext" this way it'll lookin the phpext folder.. again, it doesn't work.  Not sure why, or if it even is looking there. I asume it is not cause it says c:/php...   
With this beign said, I have put the php_sockets.dll in four locations to ensure that it will find this file.  I put it in the root directory of bebot, in the phpext directory that's in bebot 0.6.8, in php root directory, and in php's ext directory.  Even doing this, the bebot 0.6.8 is STILL unable to find this file.  I have changed the location for $php_bin: "php.exe" to several diffent directory paths.  Yet, still...once agian...nothing has worked.

I have uninstalled and re-installed both PHP, mysql (though didn't donothing,but I figured what the hell)....and the bebot 0.6.8 several times.  yet, no matter how close I follow the matter what I do, the error persists.
Lastly, I was curious exactly where to put the php.ini file. again, I have it in a few different places to ensure i have it correctly,but the knowlege would be nice to know where to put it precisly.  Curious as to if having multiple files (the php.ini and php_sockets.dll) in different folders would cause issues or make a difference negativly.  If anyone is able to help me out, that would be great!
Thanks in advance.

Offline Drizzurdeen

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 11:06:38 am »
u have to install the php5 sockets via yum or yast or someting else .... what os have u runing ?????

os linux use yast pls. do not forget to install the bcmath either ....

Offline Cuval

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 10:55:09 am »
u have to install the php5 sockets via yum or yast or someting else .... what os have u runing ?????

os linux use yast pls. do not forget to install the bcmath either ....

If he says it's looking in c:/php, i would guess windows.

But yes, sockets is what you need imo too, though the instructions you have followed to the letter already have told you as much ofc.

Do please tell us a little more about op system version.

Offline Kentarii

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 04:35:28 pm »
If your php-installation is in C:\PHP, you should have your php.ini in C:\PHP\php.ini (copy from either php.ini-development or php.ini-production template)
Edit your php.ini file and look for
Code: [Select]
; extension_dir = "ext"Take away the ; in front of this line.
(Or change extension_dir to whatever path you have your php_*.dll in. My php_sockets.dll is inside C:\PHP\ext\php_sockets.dll
Find the line with
Code: [Select]
;extension=php_sockets.dllRemove the ; here as well.
Open your cmd and write the command:
Code: [Select]
php -mYou should see sockets now.
Code: [Select]
C:\PHP>php -m
[PHP Modules]

[Zend Modules]

You probably want to enable some more modules like php_curl, php_mysql (and perhaps some others)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 04:41:27 pm by Kentarii »

Offline Svartholtr

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2014, 01:22:11 pm »
Sorry for raising this old thread, but to spare forum redundancy and as my issue is exactly this one, I decided to go ahead still.

I have installed the following on my Windows 7 pro computer!
  • MySql
  • PhP (used Ms WebInstaller to get it running properly)

I have beBot unzipped, and setup in my fully functioning IIS here;

I have PhP running and set up here;

I have changed PhP.ini in the following way;
; CBLS ->
extension_dir = "ext"
; <- CBLS

; CBLS ->
; <- CBLS
When I try to run StartDebugBot.bat I get the following error;


Doing a quick test by opening my cmd and typing the command; php -m
I get a list of several modules, but not sockets.dll

Now, BeBot.main line 129 is merely a feedback method in case it cant find the php_sockets.dll that actually does exist inside the ext folder, and not something the defines a path or similar, so I am lost at where its going wrong

-I have tried to read up on this, using BeBot forum, Google and whatnot, but must have overlooked the solution to this known problem in all threads I have plowed through, cause I have found no solution -and cant figure it out myself :/

Anyone that can see right through my blindness, or got some hints that haven't been been previously aired?

Offline Kentarii

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2014, 03:12:07 pm »
Go into the folder where you installed PHP and edit php.ini and look for:
Code: [Select]

If you have a ; infront of the extension, it will not be loaded.

Make sure you're editing the correct php.ini file as well I guess..

Create a new file called phpinfo.php with the following contents:
Code: [Select]

Run it through cmd with:
Code: [Select]
php phpinfo.php

Some lines to look for:
Code: [Select]
PHP Version => 5.2.17
Loaded Configuration File => C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\php.ini

Sockets Support => enabled
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 03:18:01 pm by Kentarii »

Offline Svartholtr

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2014, 05:13:36 pm »
Thanks Kentarii for taking the time to aid.

As you can see in my post, the lines have their ; removed, so they should be read.

I did as suggested and threw the output to a file, so I could study it (console clipped it)

* phpinfo() PHP Version => 5.5.7
* Loaded Configuration File => C:\php\php.ini
* sockets Sockets Support => enabled

Dident help me though, but I'm still trying to figure it out.

I have attached the output file, in case anyone tags along for a poke.

Offline Kentarii

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 06:54:41 pm »
There's a mismatch between the PHP versions... in the Bebot window, it says 5.3.24 while the version in your previous post says 5.5.7.

So which PHP installation is your bebot actually using?

Offline Khalem

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Re: PHP_Sockets.dll cannot be found..
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2014, 09:38:29 am »
The problem is as stated in the output a mismatch between the module API version and the php API version.

The module is from php 5.5.7 most likely. api 20131212 (december 12th, 2013)
php appears to be 5.3.24. api version 20090626 (June 26th, 2009)

You likely have an old php install somewhere which also is in the windows PATH.
You can override the windows PATH by editing your .bat files to include the full path to your newer php install.
BeBot Founder and Fixer Kingpin


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